
The Division of Water Resources is comprised of five Sections; Public Water Supply, Water Planning, Water Quality Permitting, Water Quality Regional Operations, and Water Sciences.

DWR's mission is to provide the strategic information necessary to manage the state's water resources for the health and welfare of the public, the continued economic growth of the state, the integrity of North Carolina's surface waters, and the sustainability of its ground waters.

Public Water Supply Section

Section Chief:  Jessica Godreau

It is the responsibility of the Public Water Supply Section to regulate public water systems within the state under the statutory authority of G.S. 130A Article 10.  Public water systems are those which provide piped drinking water to at least 15 connections or 25 or more people 60 or more days per year.

Water Planning Section

Section Chief:  Tom Fransen

The Water Planning Section develops standards, rules and management strategies to protect water quality, carries out water supply planning, provides guidance to local water systems and monitors drought conditions.

Water Quality Permitting Section

Section Chief:  Jeff Poupart

The Water Quality Permitting Section works to maintain (or restore) the state's surface aquatic environment to support the existing/best intended uses of those waters and to ensure compliance with state and federal water quality standards.

Water Quality Regional Operations

Section Chief:  Jon Risgaard

The Water Quality Regional Offices Section Manages the Division's regional offices, animal feeding operations, and the protection and enhancement of the state's ground water resources , the primary source of drinking water for half of North Carolina residents.

Water Sciences Section

Section Chief:  Cyndi Karoly

The Water Sciences Section analyzes routine samples from a variety of sources and certifies commercial, industrial, municipal and field laboratories, and provides the biological and technical support required to regulate and manage water quality throughout the state.

DWR Organizational Chart
List of program-specific contacts in DWR