UNC Charlotte Campus Energy Production and Infrastructure Center (EPIC) Room 3344
November 24, 2014
10:00 a. m.
General Statute § 138A-15 mandates that the Chairman inquire as to whether any member knows of any known conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to matters before the Environmental Management Commission’s Beneficial Reuse of Coal Ash ad hoc Committee. If so, please
state at this time.
Dr. Albert Rubin, Chairman, Presiding
I. Preliminary Matters
1. Welcome- Dr. John Daniels (Professor and Chair Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering UNCC)
(10:00-10:15 am)
2. Call to Order and Notice of N.C.G.S. § 138A-15……………………Chairman Dr. Bob Rubin
II. Information Items (Morning Session)
1. Statutory Purpose and Scope of Ad Hoc Committee ……………….Chairman Dr. Bob Rubin
Attachment A – Session Law 2014-122, Part III, Section 4.(d)
Attachment B – Session Law 2014-122, Part III, Section 3.(a)
2. Committee’s Actions and Schedule ………………………………........…Chairman Dr. Bob Rubin
3. Available Information on Beneficial Reuse of Coal Ash …………...Chairman Dr. Bob Rubin and Michael Scott
(NC DENR Division of Waste Management, Deputy Director)
4. Dr. John Daniels- Research Results and Research Needs related to Coal Ash Management in NC
5. NC Regulatory Requirements for Coal Ash (NC DENR Divisions of Water Resources)
Jon Risgaard, NC Division of Water Resources, Supervisor Non-discharge Permitting Unit
(11:15- 11:30 am)
6. Coal Ash Research at the NCSU Minerals Research Laboratory- Dr. Robert-Biney, Senior Mineral Processing Engineer, North Carolina State Minierals Research Laboratory, Asheville, NC
Lunch (12:00-12:30 pm)
Afternoon Session
1. Danny Turner and Dr. Colleen Hudac-Wise, Ph. D. (North Carolina Department of Agriculture, Seed and
Fertilizer Administrator and Director of the NCDA Agronomic Service Laboratory)
Fertilizer and Soil Amendment Requirements in North Carolina
(12:30-12:45 pm)
2. Ellen Lorscheider, Coal Combustion By-Products Quantities Produced and Disposed Overview
(12:45-1:00 pm)
3. Panel Discussion
Topic 1: Discussion of Current NC Structural Fill Requirements
Topic 2: Discussion of Other Beneficial Uses of Coal Ash and Current Rules
Topic 3; Discussion of Additional Opportunities for Coal Ash
Topic 4: Discussion regarding the US EPA regarding the Use of Coal Combustion Products as Structural Fill or Other Beneficial Uses
III. Closing Remarks…………………………………………………………..................Chairman Dr. Bob Rubin