Why is idling harmful?

Why is idling harmful?
Vehicle emissions are the number one source of air pollution in many areas. When a car is idling, it's also polluting! Idling wastes money and natural resources. It can damage vehicles, pollute the air, and harm our health. Air pollution has been linked to asthma and other respiratory problems.

Idling causes air pollution
An idling vehicle releases harmful chemicals, gases and particle pollution ("soot") into the air, contributing to ozone, regional haze, and global climate change. Every gallon of gas burned produces more than 20 pounds of greenhouse gases.

Idling is unhealthy for you and me!
The pollution in exhaust can aggravate asthma and allergies, as well as cardiovascular and respiratory disease. Higher levels of air pollution have been linked to increased school absences, hospital visits, and even premature deaths. Vehicle emissions are still present and harmful even when you can't see the exhaust. Children are more sensitive to air pollution because they breathe 50 percent more air per pound of body weight than adults.

Idling wastes fuel and money
For each hour spent idling, a typical light duty truck burns approximately one gallon of diesel fuel, and a typical car wastes 1/5 gallon of gasoline. Idling for 10 seconds uses more fuel than turning off the engine and restarting it. Idling is like burning dollar bills!

Damages our vehicles
Idling is an ineffective way to warm up your engine, as your vehicle is made up of many moving parts. A better way to warm your vehicle's transmission, tires, suspension, steering and wheel bearings is to simply drive off slowly. Your car tends to warm up faster this way.