Forms Required for Awarded Grant Projects

NC DAQ Grants Post Award Forms

If you have been awarded funding for one of NC DAQ Mobile Sources Grant programs, we need to obtain several completed forms for our financial services staff to begin processing your project contract. To initiate this process, the post awards forms must be completed and uploaded to the NC DAQ Grant Management System.

To access the DAQ Grant Management System, you will need to complete and return the DAQ Acces Authorization Form to the email address on the form. Please note contracts may take two to six months to process.

Please do not start any work on this project until there is a fully executed (signed by representatives of both organizations) contract in place.

Access Authorization Forms for DAQ Grants Management System

Post award forms required for contract processing.

Forms required for reimbursement after project completion.

Required awardee reports


For questions regarding your award or the above forms or required reports, please contact your program manager.

Matthew Hoskins
Clean Heavy-Duty Equipment and Vehicles Program
Phone 919-707-8424

Sheila Blanchard
Mobile Source Emissions Reduction Grants and School Bus Program
Phone 919-707-8423

Brian Phillis (Interim)
Transit & Shuttle Bus Program
Phone 919-707-8426

Dave Willis
DC Fast Infrastructure Program
Phone 919-745-4322

Steven Rice
Level 2 Infrastructure Program
Phone 919-745-4303