DSCA Site ID 600019 Cunningham Cleaners

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Current Comprehensive Environmental Data Report November 19, 2013
Contains figures of results from the recent indoor air and drinking water sampling event at the Highland Mill Lofts apartments.

Map of indoor air and outdoor air sampling results at Highland Mill Lofts apartments

Drycleaner History

Cunningham Cleaners operated from 1996 until 1999.
The drycleaner operated out of part of the old Highland Park textile mill (the dye house, which is a separate building from Highland Mill Lofts, an apartment complex located nearby) which operated from 1909 until 1969.
The property was certified into DENR’s Dry-cleaning Solvent Act Cleanup program (DSCA) in the Division of Waste Management in April 2012.

Highland Mill Loft Apartments

September 4, 2013 - No dry-cleaning contamination was detected in the drinking water sample.
Soil gas samples were taken outdoors around the nearby Highland Mill Lofts Apartments as part of the initial investigation of the dry-cleaning contamination-October 15, 2012.
Results indicated follow-up testing was needed.
Additional soil gas samples were taken (outdoors) on February 26, 2013.
Results indicated that some of the apartment’s indoor air needed to be tested as a precaution.

Indoor Air Sampling at the Apartments

Indoor air samplers were distributed inside 22 participating apartments and hallways on Saturday July 27th, Monday July 29th and Wednesday July 31st.  Indoor air samplers were retrieved after 7 days and sent to the lab for analysis.
Soil gas samples were collected on Wednesday, August 8th.
Indoor air results were mailed to the the tenants Septermber 23.
The DSCA Program is currently reviewing the indoor air data received from the contractor.
One apartment will need to be re-sampled.  More indoor air sampling will be necessary in apartments that were not sampled before and where new soil gas data indicates indoor air sampling is necessary.  Indoor air samples should be taken later in the season when the heating systems have been running.
Indoor air testing was completed at one apartment that needed retesting Saturday October 14.  Air contamination concentrations were acceptable but close to unacceptable.  Indoor air will be taken periodically to ensure the future health of the tenant.

Chemicals Of Concern

PCE or “Perc” = a commonly used dry-cleaning solvent
TCE or "Trichloroethylene" = a chemical released from bacteria eating the PCE ("daughter product").

NoDa Animal Hospital

(located in a separate building, not in the apartment complex)

The NoDa Animal Hospital is operating out of the space that was occupied by the former drycleaner. 
A mitigation system similar to what is used for radon contamination was installed in Septebmer to draw vapors from the dry-cleaning contamination out from under the building.
Indoor air was re-sampled October 3.  Lab results show a dramatic decrease in indoor air concentrations of PCE.  The indoor air will be re-sampled periodically to ensure that the mitigation system is working effectively.

Project Manager:  Scott Stupak


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