Non-Point Source Compliance Assistance Program Purpose
The Non-Point Source Compliance Assistance Program is part of the 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch of the Water Permitting Section. The Program supports the Division of Water Resource's (DWR) mission to protect and enhance North Carolina's surface waters by providing technical assistance on environmental compliance and enforcement issues across the state. The Program performs a variety of duties including:
- Providing technical support to DWR regional offices, local governments, federal and state government agencies, the general public, and other stakeholders
- Helping to lead development of DWR's non-point source compliance programs
- Providing leadership on issues of statewide policy and consistency
- Coordinating DWR compliance activities with other state and local government agencies
- Coordinating compliance activities for streams, wetlands, riparian buffers, 401 water quality certifications and isolated wetlands/water permits
- Processing of enforcement cases, assessment of civil penalties, and serving as a clearinghouse for regional compliance casework