City of Raleigh

April 2017 - IBT utilized for emergency interconnection test

In March 2017, the City of Raleigh requested approval from the Department of Environmental Quality for a temporary emergency interbasin transfer of surface water.  The request was made in partnership with the Town of Cary and the City of Durham in order to test existing emergency interconnections between these water systems.  Recent examination of transmission lines had revealed significant weaknesses that raised concerns about the structural integrity of important transmission lines and the risk of catastrophic failure.  The Department found it critical for the City of Raleigh to test its interconnection with neighboring systems to ensure emergency water delivery can occur in the event it is needed.

The Department approved the temporary transfer for a net volume of 8 million gallons from the Cape Fear River Basin to the Neuse River Basin for the two-day testing period beginning April 4, 2017.


Approval letter to City of Raleigh for proposed temporary interbasin transfer in April 2017 for interconnection test.

Summary report of interconnection test and interbasin transfer.


June 2017 - IBT approved but not utilized

In June 2017, the City of Raleigh requested approval from the Department of Environmental Quality for a temporary emergency interbasin transfer of surface water.  The request was made in order to meet any shortages in the City's water system, if needed, during the emergency repair of a 54-inch raw water line from the Falls Lake Pump Station.  The Department found that ensuring the City of Raleigh would be able to satisfy system demand during the repair process, potentially utilizing the City's emergency interconnection with the Town of Cary if needed, was essential to protecting public health, safety, and welfare.

The Department approved the requested temporary transfer of surface water from the Haw River Basin to the Neuse River Basin for the duration of the repairs to the 54-inch raw water line from the Falls Lake Pump Station starting on June 15, 2017.  The repairs were successfully completed and no water had to be transferred from the Town of Cary in order to meet the City of Raleigh's demands during the repair period.


Approval letter to the City of Raleigh for proposed temporary interbasin transfer in June 2017 for water line emergency repair.