Division of Waste Management File Room Procedures
The Division of Waste Management has four sections. The section names are: Hazardous Waste, Solid Waste, Superfund and Underground Storage Tank (UST). The mailing address for the Hazardous Waste, Solid Waste and Superfund files rooms is Mail Service Center #1646, Raleigh, NC 27699-1646. The mailing address for the Underground Storage Tank file room is Mail Service Center #1637, Raleigh, NC 27699-1637. The street address is 217 West Jones Street in Raleigh, NC. To learn more about how the Department of Environment and Natural Resources handles public records, please consult http://www.enr.state.nc.us/files/pols.htm.
The sections maintain separate file rooms to assist the public with requests to review files. Due to resource limitations, however, we are unable to provide file search and copy services. You may wish to hire someone to perform your search. A number of firms listed in your telephone directory’s yellow pages provide this service.
If you choose to use a copying service and/or file search firm, you must send a letter addressed to the appropriate section’s file room. The letter should include your name, firm name, address, telephone number and the name of the company whose file you want reviewed. All fees for services rendered by the copying and/or file search firm, including payment for file copies, must be handled directly between you and the firm.
Each file room can handle only one appointment at a time, so you should schedule your appointment with the appropriate file room soon in order to gather the information within the time frame you desire. If you will be visiting the Green Square DENR Building (217 West Jones Street), you must receive a visitor’s pass from the receptionist located on the 1st Floor Lobby.
The reviewer should reserve a specific block of time when the appointment is made. If you need to access more than one section’s file room, you will need to make a separate appointment for each file room.
Specific files must be identified and requested at the time an appointment is made. If you need to know the approximate thickness of these files for copying purposes, please ask the file room staff to check for you.
Anyone arriving at the file rooms without an appointment will not be allowed to view any files at that time. An appointment will need to be made per the guidelines stated per section below.
Hazardous Waste Section
For access to a specific Hazardous Waste Section file, the reviewer should send a letter, telephone/fax request 919.707-8272 or e-mail Scott.Ross@ncdenr.gov in the Hazardous Waste Section File Room, Division of Waste Management (see address above).
Solid Waste Section
For access to a specific Solid Waste Section file, the reviewer should send a letter, telephone request 919.707-8271 or e-mail to Carmen.Johnson@ncdenr.gov in the Solid Waste Section File Room, Division of Waste Management (see address above).
Superfund Section
For access to a specific Superfund Section file, the reviewer should send a letter, telephone/fax request 919.707-8272 or e-mail Scott.Ross@ncdenr.gov in the Superfund Section File Room, Division of Waste Management (see address above).
Superfund Documents available online.
UST Section
For access to specific UST files, the reviewer should send a letter to the Underground Storage Tank Section, Division of Waste Management (see address above); fax 919.715-1117; or telephone request to the following: 919.707-8171. In addition to its central file rooms, the UST Section also maintain files in its regional office locations.
In all the file rooms listed above, the first 25 copies that you make per request are free. There is a charge of 2.5 cents per page after the first 25 copies. Large Map copies, $3.00. CD-R copies of material available electronically are $15.00 per disc. Payment must be made at the time you make your copies. Payment may be made in cash or by check. There is a $20 service fee for all returned checks.