F.Y. 1997 Comprehensive Project Priority List

Applicant Population Project Description Sect. .0302 Project Type Total Priority Rating Sect. .0602 sub-category Eligibile Loan Amount Allocation Balance Remaining * Interest Rate % Repayment Period in Years Projected Binding Commitment Date Construction Start Date Construction Completion Date Initial Loan Repayment Date
Duplin Co. WD F 2,730 line ext's to repl. wells w/doc. nitrates 4 208 1a $490,199 $42,712,905 4 20 10/31/98 12/31/98 5/31/99 5/1/00
Sampson Co. W&SD 2 22,000 line ext's to repl. wells w/doc. nitrates 4 203 1a $1,680,000 $41,032,905 4 20 3/31/99 8/31/99 4/1/00 11/1/00
Seven Devils, Town of 470 main, pumps, well to solve press. & sup. 4 156 2e $500,000 $40,532,905 4 20 9/1/98 9/30/98 3/31/00 11/1/00
West Jefferson, Town of 1,063 GWUDI spring filtration 2 153 2c $375,000 $40,157,905 4 20 9/1/98 9/30/98 12/31/98 11/1/99
Franklin, County of 888 main, bps, elev. tanks to supply Bunn 4 150 2e $1,500,000 $38,657,905 4 20 9/30/98 11/1/98 5/1/00 11/1/00
Lincoln, County of 10,734 bps relocation to solve press. prob. 4 149 2e $65,000 $38,592,905 4 20 9/1/98 9/30/98 12/31/98 11/1/99
Chimney Rock, Village of 200 well, lines to replace GWUDI source 1 143 2c $182,230 $38,410,675 4 20 9/1/98 9/30/98 1/31/99 11/1/99
Taylorsville, Town of 2,200 lines & elev. tank to aleviate low pres. 4 143 2e $564,443 $37,846,232 4 20 9/1/98 9/30/98 9/30/99 5/1/00
Sanford, City of 21,585 elev. tank & bps to solve press. prob. 3 137 2e $1,950,000 $35,896,232 4 20 9/1/98 9/30/98 12/31/99 11/1/00
Yanceyville, Town of 2,200 new wtp to meet AOC 2 126 2ad $1,800,000 $34,096,232 4 20 9/1/98 9/30/98 10/31/99 5/1/00
Sunset Beach, Town of 5,832 water line & m. vault reloc. 4 126 2e $486,400 $33,609,832 4 20 9/1/98 10/15/98 12/15/98 11/1/00
Andrews, Town of 4,400 clearwell & elev. tank upgr. for CT 3 123 2a $151,400 $33,458,432 4 20 9/30/98 3/1/99 9/1/99 5/1/00
Stokesdale, Town of 2,250 lines to repl. UST cont. wells w/W-S sup. 4 123 3b $3,000,000 $30,458,432 4 20 9/30/98 12/15/98 12/15/99 11/1/00
Columbia, Town of 950 wtp renovations - tthm's 2 110 3b $600,000 $29,858,432 4 20 9/1/98 9/30/98 3/31/99 11/1/99
Chatham Co.-SW Silk Hope 1,980 waterline ext. to PWS w/w. shortage 4 98 4d $561,160 $29,297,272 4 20 1/31/99 5/1/99 5/1/00 11/1/00
Pilot Mountain, Town of 1,248 wtp upgrade & exp. 2 91 4d $3,000,000 $26,297,272 4 20 9/1/98 9/30/98 9/30/99 5/1/00
Lansing, Town of 170 well to comply & remove moratorium 1 88 4d $72,600 $26,224,672 4 20 9/1/98 9/30/98 12/31/98 11/1/99
Randolph Co./Archdale 7,250 waterline ext's to serve Glenola area 4 80 3b $860,440 $25,364,232 4 20 9/30/98 10/31/98 6/30/99 5/1/00
Belfast-Patetown SD 900 lines, tank, well, bps 4 80 4a $3,000,000 $22,364,232 4 20 9/1/98 9/30/98 9/30/99 5/1/00
Eastern Wayne SD 26,774 lines, tank, well, bps 4 80 4a $3,000,000 $19,364,232 4 20 9/1/98 9/30/98 9/30/99 5/1/00
Cleveland Co. SD 35,500 raw w. intake, pumps, & line 1 80 4d $780,822 $18,583,410 4 20 9/1/98 9/30/98 7/31/99 5/1/00
Chatham Co.-SW Misc. 1,980 waterline ext's for looping & d.e. elim. 4 76 5e $280,105 $18,303,305 4 20 1/31/99 5/1/99 5/1/00 11/1/00
East Spencer, Town of 2,146 replacement waterlines 4 76 5b $883,425 $17,419,880 4 20 1/31/99 4/30/99 10/31/99 5/1/00
Chadbourn, Town of 2,300 replacement waterlines 4 76 5be $850,000 $16,569,880 4 20 9/1/98 9/30/98 8/1/99 5/1/00
Hyde, County of 4,250 new wtp, wells, fw tank 2 76 5fg $2,247,240 $14,322,640 4 20 1/31/99 3/31/99 12/31/99 11/1/00
Johnston, County of 1,000 elevated tank 3 74 5f $537,000 $13,785,640 4 20 9/1/98 9/30/98 1/31/99 11/1/99
Maple Hill WD 950 lines, tank, wells 4 73 5cf $3,000,000 $10,785,640 4 20 11/30/98 1/1/99 2/28/00 11/1/00
Johnston, County of 1,000 waterline extension 4 73 5c $650,000 $10,135,640 4 20 9/1/98 9/30/98 6/30/99 5/1/00
Goldston Gulf SD 1,250 wtp & mains replacement 2 73 5ab $1,540,200 $8,595,440 4 20 1/31/99 2/28/99 7/1/99 5/1/00
Hyde, County of 4,250 finished water tank 3 73 5f $707,600 $7,887,840 4 20 1/31/99 3/31/99 7/31/99 5/1/00
Lincoln, County of 10,734 emerg. gen. @ bps 4 72 5d $49,500 $7,838,340 4 20 9/1/98 9/30/98 12/31/98 11/1/99
Lincoln, County of 10,934 wtp waste disposal equip. 2 69 5h $845,000 $6,993,340 4 20 9/30/98 11/30/98 7/31/99 5/1/00
Johnston, County of 1,000 elevated tank to reinforce press. zone 3 66 5f $539,200 $6,454,140 4 20 9/1/98 9/30/98 1/31/99 11/1/99
Spencer, Town of 3,365 tank, waterline rehab. & ext. 3 66 5be $652,540 $5,801,600 4 20 9/1/98 9/30/98 4/30/00 11/1/00
Tryon, Town of 5,800 wtp impr. - s. bic. st & feed 2 65 3a $210,000 $5,591,600 4 20 9/1/98 9/30/98 1/31/99 11/1/99
Newport, Town of 3,093 lines, tank, wtp exp. 4 63 4d $2,250,000 $3,341,600 4 20 9/1/98 9/30/98 9/30/99 5/1/00
Morehead City, Town of 7,500 tank, lines, well to solve low cl. res.'s 3 63 4a $1,700,000 $1,641,600 4 20 9/1/98 9/30/98 9/30/99 5/1/00
Littleton, Town of 1,554 line replacements 4 63 5b $51,000 $1,590,600 4 20 9/1/98 9/30/98 1/31/99 11/1/99
First Craven SD 4,572 wtp exp., well, rw line 2 63 5g $500,943 $1,089,657 4 20 12/31/98 1/31/99 11/30/99 11/1/00
Southwestern Wayne SD 26,774 waterlines 4 60 5e $300,000 $789,657 4 20 9/1/98 9/30/98 12/31/98 11/1/00
Greenville, City of 60,928 wtp upgrade 2 55 5d $3,000,000 -$2,210,343 4 20 9/1/98 11/30/98 9/30/00 5/1/01
Edenton, Town of 5,600 well pump & wtp upgrades 1 49 5g $630,300 -$2,840,643 4 20 9/1/98 10/15/98 4/15/99 11/1/99
Woodfin Sanitary W&SD 8,075 repl. lines, e. gen's, SCADA 4 46 5bd $847,471 -$3,688,114 4 20 9/1/98 9/30/98 3/31/99 11/1/99
China Grove, Town of 3,130 lines & elev. tank to aleviate low pres. 4 43 5bf $2,574,350 -$6,262,464 4 20 11/30/98 1/31/99 10/31/99 5/1/00
Randleman, City of 3,200 wtp upgrade 2 43 5d $500,000 -$6,762,464 4 20 9/1/98 9/30/98 2/28/99 11/1/99
Granite Falls, Town of 3,975 finished w. pump station 2 40 5b $250,000 -$7,012,464 4 20 9/1/98 10/1/98 2/1/99 11/1/99
Southeastern Wayne SD 4,700 well & waterlines 1 40 5e $500,000 -$7,512,464 4 20 9/1/98 9/30/98 9/30/99 5/1/00
Tuckaseigee W&SA 5,220 repl, waterlines 4 40 5b $900,000 -$8,412,464 4 20 9/1/98 9/30/98 1/31/99 11/1/99
Maggie Valley SD 5,750 wtp exp & rw line 2 40 5gd $300,000 -$8,712,464 4 20 9/1/98 9/30/98 4/1/00 11/1/00
King, City of 18,000 tank, bps, line to tie into W-S sys 3 38 5f $954,000 -$9,666,464 4 20 9/1/98 9/30/98 4/30/99 11/1/99
Salisbury, City of 26,545 wtp impr. & rw lines 2 33 5ad $3,000,000 -$12,666,464 4 20 9/1/98 9/30/98 12/1/00 11/1/01
Middlesex, Town of 733 well & filtration 1 31 5g $294,000 -$12,960,464 4 20 9/1/98 9/1/98 12/31/98 11/1/99
Statesville, City of 21,835 wtp impr. & rw. ps. upgrade 2 31 5d $3,000,000 -$15,960,464 4 20 9/1/98 12/1/98 12/1/99 11/1/00
Durham, City of 150,000 wtp improvements 2 31 5a $2,700,000 -$18,660,464 4 20 9/1/98 9/30/98 3/31/00 11/1/00
Pembroke, Town of 2,615 wells & treatment 2 28 5c $289,485 -$18,949,949 4 20 9/1/98 9/30/98 5/31/99 5/1/00
Plymouth, Town of 4,000 repl. wells & wtp rehab. 1 28 5c $723,456 -$19,673,405 4 20 11/30/98 1/30/99 10/31/99 5/1/00
Havelock, City of 10,100 wtp upgrade 2 28 5c $1,987,500 -$21,660,905 4 20 1/31/99 4/30/99 10/30/00 5/1/01
Valdese, Town of 5,800 watermain replacement 4 26 5b $379,000 -$22,039,905 4 20 9/1/98 9/30/98 6/30/99 5/1/00
Calypso, Town of 480 new & repl. undersized lines 4 25 5b $67,750 -$22,107,655 4 20 10/31/98 12/31/98 5/1/99 11/1/99
Henderson, City of 17,000 water main replacement 4 25 5b $3,000,000 -$25,107,655 4 20 9/1/98 9/30/98 9/30/99 5/1/00
Bunn, Town of 800 funding Franklin Co. line 1 0 2e $0 -$25,107,655
Columbus, County of 100 new service areas 0 $0 -$25,107,655
Albertson W&SD 965 expand service area 0 $0 -$25,107,655
Johnston, County of 1,000 growth for school/area 0 $0 -$25,107,655
Vance, County of 1,017 new service areas 0 $0 -$25,107,655
Carthage, Town of 1,890 new wtp for future growth 0 $0 -$25,107,655
Chatham Co.-SW Asbury/C 1,980 new service areas 0 $0 -$25,107,655
Hyde, County of 4,250 service to proposed industrial park 0 $0 -$25,107,655
Handy SD 7,525 annexation 0 $0 -$25,107,655
Clinton, City of 10,038 wells for future growth 0 $0 -$25,107,655
Lincoln, County of 10,734 service to existing viable water system 0 $0 -$25,107,655
Harnett Co. Riverside W&SD 39,600 expand service area 0 $0 -$25,107,655
Wilson, City of 41,000 lines for growth 0 $0 -$25,107,655
Total Eligible Loans = $68,310,759
* Available Amount = $45,476,952 x 95% = $43,203,104

Last Updated April 14, 1998