Public Notice 2021-06-02 (401 Program)


June 2, 2021

TO:    DEQ-DWR-Wetlands-Public Listserv

FROM:  Jeff Poupart, N.C. Division of Water Resources, Water Quality Permitting Section

RE:  Changes to Electronic Pre-Construction Notification (ePCN) Form

The purpose of this notice is to advertise changes to Electronic Pre-Construction Notification (ePCN) which became effective June 1, 2021. 

This notice is available electronically at
Effectively immediately, users will no longer see multiple sections to upload documents to the ePCN. The ePCN will only present two upload locations.  One upload button will be for the pre-filing meeting documentation information.  The second upload button will be in the final section of the ePCN for all other attachments.  When uploading attachments with this second button at the end of the ePCN, it is preferred that all documents be combined into one file when possible, with a Cover Letter, Table of Contents, and a Cover Sheet for each Section.

Please direct questions or comments to Bev Strickland at or 919-707-3876 .