The North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Air Quality (DAQ) is accepting public comment on a draft air quality permit modification for Corning Incorporated - Midland. Public comments will be accepted until July 8, 2024.
The facility, at 14556 U.S. Highway 601 S., Midland, in Cabarrus County, manufactures glass fiber optic cables used in the telecommunications, networking and semiconductor industries. Corning Incorporated - Midland currently holds a Title V air quality permit as a major source under the Prevention of Significant Deterioration program.
Corning Incorporated - Midland uses isopropyl alcohol as a cleaning agent throughout the facility. The company plans to increase the amount of isopropyl alcohol it will use each year, resulting in an emissions increase of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) at the site. The facility has applied for a permit modification to allow this increase. Emissions of other pollutants would remain unchanged.
DAQ reviewed an analysis of the facility’s VOC emissions that demonstrated the increase is not expected to cause an exceedance of federal air quality standards. The draft air quality permit would require Corning Incorporated - Midland to maintain records of cleaning agent use and operate with good work practices to minimize the cleaning agent needed.
The draft permit includes conditions that ensure ambient levels of all pollutants beyond the facility’s fence line comply with emission standards, including applicable health-based standards. The facility would be subject to recordkeeping requirements and regular inspections.
Copies of the public notice, draft permit, draft permit review, permit application, and a one-page project fact sheet are available online.
The Division will consider all public comments before making a final decision on the proposed permit. Comments or requests for a public hearing will be accepted until July 8, 2024, at 5 p.m. Comments can be emailed to with “Corning-Midland.23C” in the subject line. Comments can also be left via voicemail by calling 919-707-8714, or mailed to:
NCDEQ Division of Air Quality
1641 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1641
Corning Incorporated currently has two facilities in North Carolina with air quality permits at public notice. The Corning Incorporated - Wilmington facility in New Hanover County has applied for a renewal of its Title V permit without modifications. Public comments on that draft permit will be accepted until June 15.
The Corning Incorporated – Midland facility has also applied for renewal of its current Title V air quality permit without modification; a draft of that renewal permit is expected to go to public notice later this month.