November 10, 2016 Agenda
512 N. Salisbury Street
Archdale Building - Ground Floor Hearing Room
Raleigh, North Carolina
November 10, 2016
9:00 a.m.
General Statute § 138A-15 mandates that the Chairman inquire as to whether any member knows of any known conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to matters before the Commission. If any member knows of a conflict of interest or appearance of a conflict, please so state at this time.
Steve J. Rowlan, Chairman, Presiding
I. Preliminary Matters
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of minutes from Commission meeting on September 8, 2016 (attached)
II. Action Items
1. 16-51 Stormwater Rules Sections 15A NCAC 2H .1000 - Request to Adopt Revisions in Response to RRC Objection
(DEMLR) Annette Lucas
Attachment A - RRC Objection Licensed Professional
Attachment B - Objected 2H Rules
Attachment C - Fact Sheet on 2H Stormwater Rules
2. 16-52 Request Approval to Proceed to Public Comment with the "Initial Determinations" for the Dam Safety Rules (15A NCAC 02K) as required in HB 74 and GS 150B
(DEMLR) Boyd DeVane
Attachment A – Initial Determinations
Attachment B - Copy of 2K Rules
3. 16-53 Request Approval of Falls and Jordan Nutrient Rulemaking Stakeholder Group Required Under S.L. 2016-94
(DWR) John Huisman
Attachment A - SL 2016-94 Rulemaking Stakeholder Group
Attachment B - SL 2016-94 Nutrient Strategies Language
4. 16-54 Request to Proceed to Public Comment and Hearing and Approval of Fiscal Note for Rule Changes to 15A NCAC 13 .0840 Rule
(DWM) Tony Gallagher
Attachment A – Amendments to Rule 15A NCAC 13B .0840 Sampling and Analysis
Attachment B - Fiscal Note
THIS ITEM HAS BEEN REMOVED FROM THE AGENDA (DWM) Ellen Lorscheider POWERPOINT PRESENTATION Attachment A - 15A NCAC 13B .2000 Draft without Groundwater Standards |
6. 16-56 Request Approval to Send the Commission and Department Basinwide Water Quality Management Plans Annual ERC Report per GS 143-215B (d) to the ERC
(DWR) Ian McMillian
Attachment A - Water Quality 2016 Basin Planning Status to ERC
7. 16-57 Request Approval to Engage Settlement Process for Union County Application for Interbasin Transfer Certificate and to Delegate the Appointment of a Mediation Officer
(Deputy General Counsel Craig Bromby)
Attachment A - IBT Settlement Process Guidance
8. 16-58 Request to Adopt Amendments to 15A NCAC 02I .0501
(Deputy General Counsel Craig Bromby)
Attachment A - 15A NCAC 02I .0501 adopted September 2016
Attachment B - 15A NCAC 02I .0501 revised for Rules Review Commission (RRC)
Attachment C - RRC Staff Opinion
III. Information Items
1. 16-03 Neuse, Tar-Pamlico and Falls Lake Annual Agriculture Progress Reports
(DWR) Jim Hawhee
Attachment A - Final Neuse CY2015 Annual Report
Attachment B - Final Tar-Pam CY2015 Annual Report
Attachment C - Final Falls Lake Ag Report CY2015
Attachment D - Final DWR Falls Ag Stage I Report
2. 16-04 Report on Local Government Buffer Ordinance Applications per HB44 (SL 2015-246., sec. 13.1)
(Deputy General Counsel Craig Bromby)
Attachment A - Town of Cary
Attachment B - Wake County
Attachment C - Orange County
Attachment D - Town of Carrboro
Attachment E - Letter to EMC: Riparian Buffers
Attachment F - Letters to the Local Governments
2016 10 27 Letter to Cary, Riparian Buffers
2016 10 27 Letter to Wake County, Riparian Buffers
2016 10 27 Letter to Orange County, Riparian Buffers
2016 10 27 Letter to Town of Carrboro, Riparian Buffers
IV. Concluding Remarks
By Committee Chairs
By Directors (Directors' Comments)
By Commission Members
By Counsel
By Chairman
Adjournment 11-10-16