Laserfiche Document Management System - Coastal Management
The Division of Coastal Management's Document Management System
The Division of Coastal Management continues to transition DCM records from paper to a digital format.
The Laserfiche Document Management System allows you to search, view and print files for many permits and related documents. Staff continue to update the database daily with permits and related documents generated by the division.
In the Laserfiche electronic records repository, PDF versions of documents created and received by DCM will be available through this portal for public review, greatly expanding the public’s ease of access to these records.
Search by clicking a link below:
General Permits: We are working to provide access to General Permits with this online search tool. In the meantime, please submit a PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST FORM.
Public Records Request
If you are unable to locate your records by searching the Laserfiche Document Management Database, please complete a PUBLIC RECORDS REQUEST FORM.
Need Laserfiche assistance?
Please contact DCM's Laserfiche Coordinator Amanda Cannon.