About the Study
About the CRC Terminal Groin Study
The N.C. Coastal Resources Commission, in consultation with N.C. Division of Coastal Management, the N.C. Division of Land Resources, and the N.C. Coastal Resources Advisory Council, is conducting a study of the feasibility and advisability of the use of terminal groins as erosion control devices.
The study was mandated by Session Law 2009-479, which requires the CRC to conduct the study and present a report to the Environmental Review Commission and the General Assembly by April 1, 2010. The Environmental Review Commission is a joint legislative study committee.
The bill directs the CRC to consider the following:
Scientific data regarding the effectiveness of terminal groins constructed in North Carolina and other states in controlling erosion. Such data will include consideration of the effect of terminal groins on adjacent areas of the coastline.
Scientific data regarding the impact of terminal groins on the environment and natural wildlife habitats.
Information regarding the engineering techniques used to construct terminal groins, including technological advances and techniques that minimize the impact on adjacent shorelines.
Information regarding the current and projected economic impact to the state, local governments and the private sector from erosion caused by shifting inlets, including loss of property, public infrastructure and tax base.
Information regarding the public and private monetary costs of the construction and maintenance of terminal groins.
Whether the potential use of terminal groins should be limited to navigable, dredged inlet channels.
The CRC has contracted with engineering firm Moffatt & Nichol to complete the study. The project team members are:
Moffatt & Nichol -Project Lead/ Coastal Engineering Analyses/Construction/Costs/Locations
Dial Cordy and Associates, Inc.- Environmental Resource Assessment
Dr. Duncan M. FitzGerald, Boston University - Coastal Geology
Dr. Chris Dumas - Socio-Economics
CRC/CRAC Subcommittee members:
Bob Emory
Jim Leutze
Melvin Shepard
Veronica Carter
Charles “Boots” Elam
Dara Royal
Spencer Rogers
Anne Deaton
Tracy Skrabal
Bill Morrison