Fisheries Management Contacts
Download a PDF version of the Fisheries Management Leads list
Name | Phone | |
Fisheries Management Section Chief | Jason Rock | 252-515-5639 |
Northern District Manager | Vacant | 252-515-5641 |
Southern District Manager | Tina Moore | 252-515-5641 |
Coastwide Programs Manager | Casey Knight | 252-515-5538 |
FMP Coordinator | Vacant | 252-515-5641 |
Tab/Accordion Items
Individual species that are underlined have state fishery management plans.
Species | Staff | Phone |
American Eel | Todd Mathes | 252-948- |
American Shad | Holly White | 252-381- |
Atlantic Croaker | Willow Patten | 252-948-3884 |
Atlantic Menhaden | Robert Corbett | 252-381- |
Atlantic Sturgeon | Vacant | 910-796-7291 |
Billfishes | Vacant | 252-515-5639 |
Black Drum | Chris Stewart | 910-796- |
Black Sea Bass (North) | Lorena de la Garza | 252-473- |
Black Sea Bass (South) | Mclean Seward | 910-796- |
Bluefish | Melinda Lambert | 252-473- |
Catfishes | Robert Corbett | 252-381- |
Cobia | Melinda Lambert | 252-473-5734 |
Dolphin | Jeffrey Dobbs | 252-515-5640 |
Gag | Mclean Seward | 910-796- |
Hickory Shad | Holly White | 252-381- |
Interjurisdictional | Jason Rock | 252-515-5639 |
King Mackerel | Mclean Seward | 910-796- |
Kingfishes | Brooke Anderson | 252-515-5647 |
Monkfish | Lorena de la Garza | 252-473- |
Perches (White, Yellow) | Vacant | 252-381-6007 |
Red Drum | Cara Kowalchyk | 252-948-3875 |
River Herring | Holly White | 252-381- |
Scup | Lorena de la Garza | 252-473- |
Sharks | Melinda Lambert | 252-473- |
Sheepshead | Anne Markwith | 910-796- |
Snapper- | Mclean Seward | 910-796- |
Southern Flounder | Anne Markwith | 910-796-7292 |
Spanish Mackerel | Mclean Seward | 910-796-7289 |
Spiny Dogfish | Melinda Lambert | 252-473- |
Spot | Willow Patten | 252-948-3884 |
Spotted Seatrout | Lucas Pensinger | 252-515-5638 |
Striped Bass (Estuarine) | Vacant | 252-381- |
Striped Bass (Ocean) | Charlton Godwin | 252-381-6008 |
Striped Bass (Central) | Todd Mathes | 252-948- |
Striped Bass (Southern) | Joe Facendola | 910-796- |
Striped Mullet | Willow Patten | 252-948-3884 |
Summer Flounder | Lorena de la Garza | 252-473- |
Tautog | Lorena de la Garza | 252-473- |
Tuna | Steve Poland | 252-515-5639 |
Wahoo | Jeffrey Dobbs | 252-515-5640 |
Weakfish | Lucas Pensinger | 252-515-5638 |
Species | Staff | Phone |
Bay Scallop | Jeffrey Dobbs | 252-515-5640 |
Blue Crab | Robert Corbett | 252-381-6007 |
Eastern Oyster | Joe Facendola | 910-796-7291 |
Hard Clam | Jeffrey Dobbs | 252-515-5640 |
Horseshoe Crab | Jeffrey Dobbs | 252-515-5640 |
Shrimp | Chris Stewart | 910-796- |
Whelks | Joe Facendola | 910-796- |
Program | Staff | Phone |
Carcass Collection Program | Amanda Macek | 252-515-5537 |
Citation Program | Amanda Macek | 252-515-5537 |
Cold Stun Events | Lucas Pensinger | 252-515-5638 |
Gear Development | Brooke Anderson | 252-515-5647 |
Invasive Species | Robert Corbett | 252-381- |
Marine Mammal Stranding Program | Vicky Thayer | 252-241-5119 |
Observer Program | Barbie Byrd | 252-515-5624 |
Permitting - Pound Nets | | |
Permitting - Scientific and Educational Activity | | |
Permitting - Weekend Trawling for Live Shrimp | | |
Proclamation Distribution Email List | Debbie Manley | 252-515-5534 |
State Records | Amanda Macek | 252-515-5537 |
Stock Assessment Program | Vacant | 252-515-5641 |
Tagging Program/ | Ami Staples | 252-948- |
FM Admin (Proclamations) | Debbie Manley | 252-515-5534 |
FM Admin (Permits) | Lynn Ewart | 252-515-5535 |