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DWR Water Permitting includes seven branches with staff located in the central offices in Raleigh, as well as DEQ's seven regional offices. This section is responsible for:
- Implementing state and federal permitting and compliance programs for point source wastewater treatment.
- Administration of the federal pretreatment program for industrial wastewater going to municipal treatment facilities
- Permitting for the operation and maintenance of sewage collection systems.
- Permitting and compliance for wetlands and stream impacts including waterside buffer protection,
- Development of programs for stream and wetlands protection and enhancement.
- Implements permitting and compliance for wastewater, reclaimed water, and residuals that are applied to land, whether it is from municipal, industrial, or animal feeding operation treatment systems.
Section Chief: VACANT (please contact regional office supervisor or public information officer for questions)
Permit Programs

The Industrial Permitting Branch is responsible for Industrial major/minor National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System wastewater permitting and providing NPDES programmatic support including Level B modeling; CORMIX/dilution model reviews; review and issuance of municipal Authorization to Construct permits (ATCs); and NPDES program implementation guidance.
Information: 919-707-3601
Supervisor: Doug Dowden

The Municipal Permitting Branch is responsible for Municipal major/minor National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System wastewater permitting, special municipal technical issues, oversees the implementation of state approved pretreatment programs, is responsible for the various permitting programs for wastewater collection systems, oversees wastewater collection construction, operation, maintenance and enforcement.
Information: 919-707-3624
Supervisor: Mike Montebello

The Compliance and Expedited Permitting Branch is responsible for wastewater permitting of National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System minor and general permits, as well as compliance oversight. In addition, the branch processes tax certifications in accordance with NCGS 105-275 (8).
Information: 919-707-3615
Supervisor: John Hennessy

The Non-Discharge Permitting Branch is responsible for the permitting and compliance of residual and wastewater effluent land application facilities, as well as the beneficial use of reclaimed water.
Information: 919-707-3653
Supervisor: Nathaniel Thornburg

The 401 & Buffer Permitting Branch is responsible for implementing the state waters, wetlands and riparian buffer regulatory programs and assisting with compliance and enforcement procedures.
Information: 919-707-3631
Supervisor: Stephanie Goss

The 401 & Buffer Transportation Permitting Branch is responsible for implementing the state waters, wetlands, and riparian buffer regulatory programs for transportation projects as well as assisting with compliance and enforcement procedures for those projects. It also houses one special project: the Headwater Stream Spatial Dataset program.
Information: 919-707-3871
Supervisor: Amy Chapman

The Animal Feedings Operations Branch is responsible for overseeing permitting, compliance, and enforcement of animal facilities.
Information: 919-707-9129
Supervisor: Ramesh Ravella