The precautionary advisory against swimming is now been lifted for all coastal waters south of Ocracoke Inlet.
Latest NCDEQ Press Releases related to storm season.
The precautionary advisory against swimming is now been lifted for all coastal waters south of Ocracoke Inlet.
State officials today lifted a precautionary advisory against swimming for the remainder of ocean beaches in Brunswick County, and for sound-side sites in Brunswick, New Hanover, Pender, Onslow and most of Carteret County.
Two additional N.C. Coastal Reserve and National Estuarine Research Reserve sites are open to visitors after closure due to Hurricane Dorian.
State officials today lifted a precautionary advisory against swimming for ocean beaches in most of Brunswick County, and in the remainder of Carteret County.
State officials today lifted a precautionary advisory against swimming for ocean beaches from Fort Fisher to Fort Macon.
Three N.C. Coastal Reserve and National Estuarine Research Reserve sites are open to visitors after closure due to Hurricane Dorian. These include:
RALEIGH – The Department of Environmental Quality’s Fayetteville Regional Office will be closed Friday,
Additional offices that will be closed Friday:
All coastal waters in North Carolina will temporarily close to shellfish harvest at sunrise Thursday. The N.C. Division of Marine Fisheries is temporarily closing state shellfish waters due to the impending impacts of Hurricane Dorian.
Some Department of Environmental Quality offices will close due to forecasted impacts of Hurricane Dorian. The Department of Environmental Quality Wilmington Regional Office closed at noon today and will remain closed Thursday and Friday.
State recreational water quality officials are advising the public to avoid swimming in all coastal waters of North Carolina following Hurricane Dorian. Residents and visitors should avoid swimming in all coastal waters until testing indicates bacteria levels meet state and federal standards.