UST Operator Training


Be aware that your facility needs trained operators. For more information visit the Operator Training website.

UST Operator Training
The Federal Energy Policy Act enacted by Congress in 2005 mandated training for all UST system operators. North Carolina’s operator training requirements are located in NC General Statute 143-215.94NN through TT and identify two types of operators who must receive training: a Primary Operator (Class A/B) and an Emergency Response Operator (Class C). By August 2012, all facilities with UST systems permitted through the Division of Waste Management must have trained Primary and Emergency Response Operators.

It is the responsibility of UST owners to designate a Primary Operator for each UST facility. The person designated as the Primary Operator should be an individual who is responsible for the day-to-day aspects of operating, maintaining, and recordkeeping, and has a general knowledge of the UST compliance requirements listed in 15A NCAC 2NCriteria and Standards Applicable to Underground Storage Tanks.

North Carolina’s training for Primary Operators is conducted at each UST facility during a regular compliance inspection. The UST inspector for the county where the facility is located will contact the UST owner to schedule to schedule that inspection.  If a facility is in compliance and its Primary operator can score 75% or better on the on-site written assessment, than a training certificate will be issued.  If the Primary Operator cannot successfully complete the training or th4e facility is not in compliance, then retraining at Tank School will be required.  Information regarding Tank School is mailed to the UST owner of any facility that requires retraining after the compliance inspection. 
For more information visit the Operator Training website.

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