Information on Blue Crab Adaptive Management
The MFC adopted Amendment 3 to the Blue Crab FMP in February 2020 to rebuild the blue crab stock. A summary of all management measures in place through Amendment 3 can be found in the annual FMP Update or in the Amendment 3 flyer. Included in the management changes adopted was a revision to the adaptive management framework, as outlined below.
Adaptive Management
- Update the stock assessment at least once in between full reviews of the FMP, timing at the discretion of the division.
- If the stock is overfished and/or overfishing is occurring or it is not projected to meet the sustainability requirements, then management measures shall be adjusted using the director’s proclamation authority.
- If the stock is not overfished and overfishing is not occurring, then management measures may be relaxed provided it will not jeopardize the sustainability of the blue crab stock.
- Any quantifiable management measure, including those not explored in this paper, with the ability to achieve sustainable harvest (as defined in the stock assessment), either on its own or in combination, may be considered .
- Use of the director’s proclamation authority for adaptive management is contingent on:
- Consultation with the Northern, Southern, and Shellfish/Crustacean advisory committees.
- Approval by the Marine Fisheries Commission.
Upon evaluation by the division, if a management measure adopted to achieve sustainable harvest (either through Amendment 3 or a subsequent Revision) is not working as intended, then it may be revisited and either: 1) revised or 2) removed and replaced as needed provided it conforms to steps 2 and 3 above.
Looking Forward
All available information suggests the blue crab stock has continued to decline since adoption of Amendment 3 management measures in February 2020. The Amendment 3 adaptive management framework will be used to immediately address the overall declining trends in the blue crab stock. This action is appropriate given the Amendment 3 adaptive management framework states: “upon evaluation by the division, if a management measure adopted to achieve sustainable harvest is not working as intended, then it may be revisited and either 1) revised or 2) removed and replaced as needed...”. The division will develop management recommendations based on results of the 2018 stock assessment. Using 2018 assessment results provides some guidance on what harvest reductions should be in lieu of a current stock assessment. Essentially, the division will develop recommendations that would have resulted in higher harvest reductions with a greater probability of achieving sustainable harvest based on 2018 assessment results and apply them to the current fishery.
The Amendment 3 adaptive management framework allows any quantifiable management measure, including those not discussed in Amendment 3, that has the ability to achieve sustainable harvest either on its own or in combination to be considered. Prior to implementation, the division will consult with the Northern, Southern, and Shellfish/Crustacean advisory committees and management recommendations will be brought to the MFC for approval.
For more information, please view the Blue Crab FMP Amendment 3 Adaptive Management Decision Document, and the presentation given to the Marine Fisheries Commission at its May 2024 Quarterly Business Meeting.