Design & Bid
Approval of Plans, Specifications, and Bid Documents for Funded Projects
- Submit bid and design documents (plans and specifications) for approval.
- Do not bid the project until the division has issued bid document approval OR has approved the bid documents in writing.
- Include the appropriate checklists along with submittals.
- Note that division approval does not supersede any regulatory permitting requirements.
- IMPORTANT: Project submittals MUST include copies of all applicable permits or evidence that you have submitted applications for remaining required permits to the respective permitting agency. Projects that do not have these included with the project submittal will be returned as incomplete. The division cannot approve plans and specifications until you have received all required permits.
Checklists and Guidance for All Funded Projects
Forms for SRF and State Programs
- MBE/WBE (DBE) Compliance Supplement Updated 3/2/2020
Additional Forms for SRF Projects
- Davis-Bacon Specifications Updated 2/28/20
- Davis-Bacon Wage Determination Schedule - The most recently issued local county Wage Determination Schedule must be included directly after the Davis-Bacon Specifications. The local rates can be downloaded from the Dept. of Labor's website.
- American Iron and Steel Provisions Updated 3/22/24
- Build America Buy America Provisions for BIL and SRF Equivalency Projects
- Signage Requirement Guidance BIL-SRF
- Signage Requirement Guidance Base SRF
HUD Requirements for CDBG-I Projects
- Advertisement for Bids Sample Updated 05/2024
- Encourage HUB, MBE/WBE to submit bids and proposals Updated 1/19/2021
- Labor Standards Provisions
- Davis-Bacon Wage Determination (WD) applicable to the project, or contact CDBG-I Compliance Specialist
- Disclosure of Lobbying Activities Added 1/29/2019
- MBE/WBE Compliance Instructions and Forms Updated 04/2024
- Employment and Contracting Opportunities Commitment Added 2/21/2018
- Contract Provisions Added 05/2024
- Contractor and Subcontractor Section 3 Reporting Forms Added 03/2024
- HUD BABA Webpage Added 08/2024
- CDBG-I BABA Guidance Updated 06/2024
- NIST Manufacturing Extension Partnership to Locate Domestic Suppliers Added 8/2024
- MEP and Executive Order 14005 with Supplier Scouting Opportunity Synopsis Form Added 8/2024