Certified Laboratory Listings

Lists of certified laboratories may be found at the following links. These lists are updated approximately every 6 months which means they are not updated in real time and the certification status of a laboratory may change and not be reflected in these lists. For questions about the certification status of a laboratory or about the scope of accreditation, contact this office at (919) 733-3908 or contact the laboratory directly.

Laboratory Type List Last Updated
Commercial In-state 4/2024
Commercial Out-of-state 4/2024
Commercial Certified for 624.1  4/2024
Commercial Certified for EPH Analysis 4/2024
Commercial Certified for VPH Analysis 4/2024
Commercial Certified for Hg by EPA 1631 4/2024
Commercial Certified for Animal Waste Nutrient Management Analysis 4/2024
Commercial Certified for E. coli Analysis 4/2024
Commercial Mobile Commercial Laboratories (none at this time)  
Municipal and Industrial Operated by an Industry, Municipality or Other Local Government 4/2024
Field Commercial Certified to Analyze only *Field Parameters for a Fee 4/2024
Field Municipal and Field Industrial Certified to Analyze only *Field Parameters 4/2024

*Field parameters include: pH, DO, Total Residual Chlorine, Free Available Chlorine, Temperature, Specific Conductance, Settleable Residue, Turbidity, Salinity, Sulfite and VAR Options 5, 6 and 12. Note: Commercial, municipal, industrial and other laboratories may also be certified to analyze field parameters in addition to the non-field parameters under their non-field certification.

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