
Demolition of three existing buildings on the two sites began in February 2008 to make way for the Green Square Complex. The three buildings are the former Elks and Thompson buildings on the NRC site and the old YWCA building on the DENR site. The demolition was conducted sustainably, with 98.8% of the demolition waste reused, recycled or salvaged in some way to prevent the waste from ending up in the landfill.

A Case Study was completed regarding the demolition construction debris on the site.  Click here to read the complete Case Study.

Time-lapse Video of NRC Building construction

Time-lapse Video of DENR Building construction

Construction Photos

Tab/Accordion Items

Old YWCA Building
Elks and Thompson Buildings
Elks and Thompson Buildings
demolition of structure
demolition of structure
demolition of structure
demolition of structure
demolition of structure
Old YWCA building Demolished
demolition of structure
demolition of structure
Thompson building bricks to be salvaged
bricks to be recycled


windows to be recycled
Doors to be recycled

Earth Day 2008 was celebrated with a groundbreaking ceremony at the future site of the Green Square Complex. Speakers provided encouraging words for the future project. Rubble from the demolished buildings was shoveled into wheelbarrows, symbolizing the start of the project.

Around 400 people joined the festivities including school groups, state legislators, project architects and DENR staff members. Participants were able to view an electronically simulated flyover of the project and view a model of the project.

Secretary Ross at podium
viewing model of site
ceremonial groundbreaking
ceremonial groundbreaking

Excavation on the NRC site started in August 2008. While preparing the site for excavation, the asphalt and the trees that were on site needed to be removed. The asphalt was sent to a recycler and certain trees were chosen to be taken to a local sawmill to be reused in the future Green Square buildings. All other tree material was taken to the Museum of Natural Science's Prairie Ridge, where it was either chipped and used as mulch or wildlife habitat.

NRC Site excavation Nov 2008
NRC site Excavation Nov 2008
Shoring on Jones Street January 2009
Magnolia salvaged for later use in the new building
excavation near completion