Legislative Reports

Pursuant to S.L. 2019-250 Section 5.10 (a), Department of Environmental Quality legislative reports submitted on or after January 1, 2020 will be posted below.

Title Summary Report Date
Surface Water Identification and Training Certificate Course Report

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Surface Water Identification Training and Certification Program and report of findings and recommendations.

Annual Status Report on Individually Permitted Discharging Systems

Report on the status of facilities discharging into surface waters. Excel Spreadsheet containing report data found here.

October 1 Coal Ash Quarterly Report

Quarterly report on DEQ’s operations, activities, programs, and progress with respect to coal combustion residuals surface impoundments.

Conservation Grant Fund Annual Report

Annual report on Conservation Grant Fund Annual Report. Includes inventory of all conservation easements held by the Department.

2021 Q3 Capital Improvements Report

Quarterly report on capital improvements projects.

Combined River Basin Advisory Commission Report and Audit

Annual audit and report on the River Basin Advisory Commission

Sedimentation and Stormwater Joint Report

Combined report on implementation of the State Sedimentation Pollution Control Program and the State Stormwater Program.

October 1 Annual Coal Ash Report to the General Assembly

Annual report on coal combustion residuals surface impoundments in North Carolina.

Semi-Annual Report on Water Resources Development Grant Projects

Semi-annual report on the status of Water Resources Development Projects.

July 1 Coal Ash Quarterly Report

Quarterly report on DEQ’s operations, activities, programs, and progress with respect to coal combustion residuals surface impoundments.

Directed Grants Status Report

Report on the status of funds disbursed for directed grants.

July 1 Capital Improvements Report

Quarterly report on capital improvements projects.

Final Report on Coronavirus Regulatory Flexibility

Final report on Department efforts to exercise regulatory flexibility during Coronavirus Emergency.

2021 Consolidated Waste Report

Annual report on the status of waste management efforts in North Carolina.

April 1 Coal Ash Quarterly Report

Quarterly report on DEQ’s operations, activities, programs, and progress with respect to coal combustion residuals surface impoundments.

Directed Grants Status Report

Report on the status of funds disbursed for directed grants.

2021 Q1 Capital Improvements Report

Quarterly report on capital improvements projects.

Oyster Research and Restoration 2021 Annual Legislative Report

Report on the use of funding for oyster research and restoration activities.

Semi-Annual Report on Water Resources Development Grant Projects

Semi-annual report on the status of Water Resources Development Projects.

2021 Wetland Mitigation Practices Report

Report on wetland mitigation practices supportive of public recreation and hunting on mitigation sites.