Legislative Reports

Pursuant to S.L. 2019-250 Section 5.10 (a), Department of Environmental Quality legislative reports submitted on or after January 1, 2020 will be posted below.

Title Summary Report Date
Conservation Grant Fund Annual Report

Annual report on Conservation Grant Fund Annual Report. Includes inventory of all conservation easements held by the Department.

Combined River Basin Advisory Commission Report

Annual audit and report on the River Basin Advisory Commission

Annual Report on Shallow Draft and Aquatic Weed Fund

Report on the projects funded from the Shallow Draft Navigation Channel Dredging and Aquatic Weed Fund.

Sedimentation and Stormwater Joint Report

Combined report on implementation of the State Sedimentation Pollution Control Program and the State Stormwater Program.

Coastal Storm Damage Mitigation Fund Annual Report

Report on projects funded from the Coastal Storm Damage Mitigation Fund.

October 1 Coal Ash Quarterly Report

Quarterly report on DEQ’s operations, activities, programs, and progress with respect to coal combustion residuals surface impoundments.

2020 Q3 Capital Improvements Report

Quarterly report on capital improvements projects.

DEQ Agency Mobile Device Report

Annual report on agency mobile devices.

Risk-Based Remediation Fund Annual Report

Annual report on the Risk-Based Remediation Fund.

Surface Water Identification and Training Certificate Course Report

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Surface Water Identification Training and Certification Program and report of findings and recommendations.

Animal Waste Management Annual Report

Report on permitting, inspection, compliance, and accounting of activities for the Animal Feeding Operation program.

Coronavirus Regulatory Flexibility Report

Report on specific efforts to exercise regulatory flexibility during coronavirus emergency.

Long-Term Dredging MOA Annual Report

Report on the funds provided to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under the Long-Term Dredging Memorandum of Agreement.

Energy Credit Banking and Selling Program Annual Report

A report on the expenditures from the Fund.

DEQ NPDES Individually Permitted Systems Report 2020 10 01

Report on the status of facilities discharging into surface waters. Excel Spreadsheet containing report data found here.

Report on Funding Overlaps between Water Resource Development Grants and Clean Water Management Trust Funds

Report on funding overlaps between DEQ’s Water Resources Development Grant Program (WRDG) and DNCR’S Clean Water Management Trust Fund (CWMTF) and efforts to improve administration of these grant programs.

Semi-annual Report on Water Resources Development Grants

Semi-annual report on the status of Water Resources Development Projects.

H329 Quarterly Report

Quarterly Report on End-of-life Solar Decommissioning Rule Adoption and Stakeholder Process.

PFAS Recovery Fund Quarterly Report

Session Law 2018-5 established the PFAS Recovery Fund including Section 13.1(d) that provdies funding for local government units to assist with the planning and analyzing water lines to serve impacted areas.

2020 Q2 Capital Improvements Report

Quarterly report on capital improvements projects.