DAQ's Electronic Public Records Management System

Jump to the Getting Started section below to see recommended methods for finding documents using the Laserfiche WebLink.
Alternatively, the DAQ Facility Mapping Tool provides direct links to Laserfiche documents associated with a specific air quality-regulated facility, which may be a preferred method of finding facility documents. You can access the GIS mapping tool here:
The Division of Air Quality (DAQ) is transitioning all DAQ public records from paper to digital format. With the new Laserfiche electronic records repository, PDF versions of most documents created and received by DAQ will be available through this portal for public review, greatly expanding the public’s ease of access to these records. All public records previously available online are now located in Laserfiche and historical paper files are being digitized.
DISCLAIMER: Copies of public records are provided by DAQ for your convenience. Every effort has been made to ensure that public records are made available for public review in a timely manner but uploads of certain records to Laserfiche could be delayed for various reasons. DAQ reserves the right to withdraw or correct any documents in our public repository.
The Laserfiche WebLink is primarily designed to provide easy access to public records related to DAQ-regulated facilities with a Facility ID issued by DAQ, although other types of DAQ public records may also be made available here. Certain types of documents containing sensitive information will not be available for public review through this portal. However, you can contact the respective Regional Office to see if these documents are available for public review through other means. To see a listing of the compliance related actions since 2009 for any DAQ-regulated facility with a Facility ID assigned by DAQ, you can click here.
Note: At this time this search does not include documents controlled by the three North Carolina Local Programs in Mecklenburg, Forsyth, and Buncombe Counties.
This is the most efficient search available and allows you to search for Facility documents using specific metadata fields. "Metadata" are pieces of information that help identify the document, such as Facility ID, Facility Name, Document Date, or Author.
Enter at least one search term; the more specific you can be, the better. For example, entering a Facility ID, Document Date range and Document Type will return a smaller document list faster than just a Facility ID, which will return a list of all documents ever uploaded for that facility.
These searches allow you to search for specific words or phrases within the document text itself (e.g., phrases within a letter or permit). You can enter one word or multiple words. If entering a multiple words, you can use quotes to look for that exact phrase. There is a text search for each category of document (Ambient Monitoring, Citizen Complaints, Facilities, General, and Vapor Recovery).
WARNING: This search may take a long time since it scans all text for each category. DAQ recommends using the "Facility Documents Search" if possible.
DAQ's public records are categorized into five types, or "templates": Ambient Monitoring, Citizen Complaints, Facilities, General, and Vapor Recovery. You can click on the Browse link to each of these templates to view the subfolders and all documents within each type. Laserfiche uses a folder structure similar to Windows file explorer, by nesting folders within folders. You can navigate to the documents by drilling down into the folders.
Need Help?
Please take a look at the DAQ Laserfiche WebLink User Guide for more detailed guidance including screenshots and examples.
For record requests or other assistance in locating documents, please contact Shawn Taylor, DAQ Public Information Officer, at shawn.taylor@deq.nc.gov or (919) 707-8446.
This page was last modified on 08/07/2023