Recycling Works Newsletter Spring 2019
RBAC's quarterly newsletter discusses current topics of interest to recycling businesses, including information on financing opportunities, commodity markets and new technologies.
In the Spring 2019 Recycling Works issue:
- Subscribe to Recycling Works
- MRFshed Support
- State Environmental Officials Urge Residents to Continue to Recycle Amid Changing Market Conditions
- Department of Transportation Paves the Way for Increased Recycled Content
- Glass Recycling Foundation Established
- 2019 CRA Annual Conference
- Announcements and Opportunities
- Pricing Trends
- Past RBAC Newsletters
MRFshed and Outreach Support

Like the more familiar term “watershed,” a MRFshed refers to all of the communities, haulers and local governments that feed recyclables into a single material recovery facility (MRF). The Division of Environmental Assistance and Customer Service (DEACS) offers specialized assistance to each MRFshed across the state since each region has specific recycling needs.
The division provides graphic design support based on the materials that each region’s respective MRFs accept for recycling. This information gives local governments and independent curbside recycling collection companies the ability to make informed decisions on the materials they want to include on their accepted items list. Division staff members also are able facilitate focus meetings with staff, government leaders and recycling businesses to offer technical and educational support.
This fall, DEACS is planning to launch a statewide education campaign that communities, haulers and MRFs will be able to opt-in to participate. As part of the campaign, DEACS will provide:
- Social media posts
- Direct mailers
- Outreach successes
- Press releases to share with local media
If you have any questions or would like to request more information, please contact Sandy Skolochenko at 919-707-8147.
State Environmental Officials Urge Residents to Continue to Recycle Amid Changing Market Conditions
Department of Transportation Paves the Way for Increased Recycled Content
As of April 1, the N.C. Department of Transportation (NCDOT) approved post-consumer plastic for use in corrugated pipes purchased by the agency. Previously, all recycled plastic HDPE used in piping had to come from industrial sources, but the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials approved the use of post-consumer plastic in pipes a year ago. The agency followed suit this April and expects to purchase more corrugated pipe made from post-consumer HDPE plastic in the coming months.
Glass Recycling Foundation Established
This April, the Glass Recycling Foundation (GRF) formed as a non-profit organization with the goal to raised funds and offer assistance to increase glass recycling across the country. GRF will collaborate with the Glass Recycling Coalition – a 40-member industry group – to highlight best practices in the industry and support local-level glass recycling projects.
For more information, go to:
2019 CRA Annual Conference
The Carolina Recycling Association (CRA) celebrated its 29th year at the annual trade show and conference Mar. 18 - 21 in Charleston, South Carolina. More than 500 recycling professionals from North and South Carolina attended the conference.
This year’s conference continued the promotion of the CRA conference app over the printed program, which reduces paper use, provides users with up-to-the-minute updates on conference events and offers extended speaker information.
Hot topics including contamination, enforcement and back-to-basics recycling were discussed throughout the conference. Presentations from all the sessions are available at: Carolina Recycling Association website.
Mark your calendars! The conference returns to Raleigh next year from March 23 - 26.
Announcements and Opportunities
Jun. 18: N.C. Compost Council Annual Meeting will be held at the N.C. Zoo in Asheboro. The Annual Meeting provides a great opportunity to network with other compost enthusiasts, discover what the Composting Council has accomplished over the past year and gain insight to future plans. The meeting will include two breakout sessions on carbon sequestration and neighborhood organic recycling programs, along with lunch and a tour of the N.C. Zoo’s Composting facility. Registration is required.
Ongoing: Regional Recycling Infrastructure Grant applications will be accepted on a rolling basis while funding is available. Funding may be used to develop new infrastructure, or upgrade a MRF or recycling transfer station that will serve more than one local government residential recycling program across multiple counties. Eligible applicants include local governments or private recycling businesses who are partnering with local governments.
The Recycling Business Assistance Center (RBAC) is a program of the N.C. Division of Environmental Assistance and Customer Service (DEACS) that provides technical, business and financial assistance to recycling companies.