Lumber River Basin Documents
Lumber River Basin
Lumber RBRP Overview

Though defined as one basin, there are actually four different watersheds in the Lumber River basin. These are the Lumber River, the Waccamaw River, the headwaters of the Little Pee Dee and the coastal watershed of the Shalotte /Lockwoods Folly rivers.
The Lumber River begins at the headwaters known as Drowning Creek, in the counties of Moore and Montgomery, in the Sandhills ecoregion. This area is largely forested with the populations in the upper portion of the basin primarily concentrated around Southern Pines, Pinehurst and Aberdeen. Naked Creek and Rocky Ford Branch are listed as state-designated Outstanding Resource Waters.
The main stem of the Lumber River lies in the Coastal Plain ecoregion. The Lumber River State Park contains 7,937 acres of land along the main stem.
A total of 115 miles of the Lumber River is designated state Natural and Scenic Waters and 81 miles have also been designated as a National Wild and Scenic Water. The Lumber River flows through Lumberton, a highly-developed urban area. The river crosses the South Carolina border near Fair Bluff. Just past the border, the Lumber River joins the Little Pee Dee River, which flows to the Pee Dee River and drains to Winyah Bay.
The Lumber River Basin contains four eight-digit CUs (03040203, 03040204, 03040206 and 03040207) and 102 14-digit HUs. The original plan selected 20 watersheds to be targeted for stream, wetland and riparian-buffer restoration and protection and watershed-planning efforts.
In 2005, an additional four watersheds were identified as Targeted Local Watersheds and addressed in the Lockwoods Folly Local Watershed Plan. This document presents an additional five Targeted Local Watersheds.