73rd Annual Mid-Atlantic Interstate Seafood Seminar & Gulf and South Atlantic States Shellfish Conference
The 73rd Annual Mid-Atlantic Interstate Seafood Seminar & Gulf and South Atlantic States Shellfish Conference was held on November 6 - 8, 2023 in Wilmington, North Carolina.
Session 1: Welcome and Program Updates
Welcome to Wilmington
Kim Hufham – President and CEO, Wilmington and Beaches Convention and Visitors Bureau
Conference Welcome and Keynote Address – 200 Years of Fisheries Management in North Carolina
Kathy Rawls – Director, North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries
Interstate Shellfish Sanitation Conference Updates
Keith Skiles – Executive Director, Interstate Shellfish Sanitation Conference
US FDA – Office of State Cooperative Programs Updates
Michael Lombardi – US FDA, Shellfish Sanitation Branch 2 Director
US FDA – Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition Updates
Dr. Jessica Jones – US FDA, Microbiological Hazards Science Branch Chief
East Coast Shellfish Growers Association Updates
Chris Matteo – Vice President, East Coast Shellfish Growers Association
Session 2: Harmful Algal Blooms and Biotoxins
A Review of HAB Management in Florida and A Project to Investigate the Use of Wet Storage for the Removal of HAB Toxins in Shellfish
Michelle Smith – Environmental Administrator, Div. of Aquaculture, Florida Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Dr. Nicole Rhody – Program Manager and Senior Scientist, Mote Marine Laboratory
NOAA’s National Competitive HAB Programs – Ongoing Projects and Future Opportunities
Dr. Maggie Broadwater – Program Manager, NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS), Competitive Research Program
FDA Training – Implementing the Marine Biotoxin Chapter of the Model Ordinance
Bess Ormond - US FDA, Shellfish Sanitation Branch 1 Director
Session 3: Pathogens, Indicators, and Emerging Contaminants
Impacts of Sunny Day Flooding on Recreational and Shellfish Water Quality
Dr. Natalie Nelson – Associate Professor, Biological and Agricultural Engineering Dept., North Carolina State University
Julia Harrison – PhD Student, North Carolina State University
Using Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment to Establish Shellfish Exclusion Zones for Water Reclamation Facility Outfalls
Kyle Curtis – Environmental Scientist, Hampton Roads Sanitation District
Development of a PFAS Seafood Consumption Advisory
Kennedy Holt – Environmental Toxicologist, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
Session 4: Breakout Meetings and Training Opportunities
RAFT MAP Training
RAFT-MAP is a customizable GIS-based software program developed by the FDA for use in conducting hydrographic studies, performing dilution analysis and pollution source modeling, and for collecting pollution source data in the field during shoreline surveys. Participants in this training session will learn about the new analysis tools available within the software. Depending on the number of participants in the ISS/GSASSC session, a hands-on training opportunity may be available. RAFT-MAP software is available free of charge to state users via license agreement, and dedicated virtual or in-field training is available for those who are interested via a technical assistance request to FDA.
Kristin DeRosia-Banick, Environmental Engineer, US FDA (Kristin.DeRosia-Banick@fda.hhs.gov)
Julie Anbarchian, Shellfish Specialist, US FDA (Julia.Anbarchian@fda.hhs.gov)
Cyanotoxin Risks in Shellfish Harvest Waters
Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) are increasingly a concern in coastal waters, as are the toxins they produce, such as microcystins and cylindrospermopsin. cHABs largely originate in freshwater algae blooms, but blooms can be persistent, as are the toxins produced, leading to toxins being transported to coastal and marine waters. Numerous studies have demonstrated that microcystins can be taken up by recreationally and commercially important shellfish (e.g. oysters and blue crabs) and fish (e.g. anadromous taxa like herring.). This roundtable discussion, led by researchers at NC State University, will provide an opportunity to discuss concerns and challenges related to regulating cyanotoxin risks in shellfish harvest waters.
Dr. Natalie Nelson – Biological and Agricultural Engineering Dept., NC State University (nnelson4@ncsu.edu)
Dr. Tal Ben-Horin – College of Veterinary Medicine, NC State University (tbenhor@ncsu.edu)
Dr. Astrid Schnetzer – Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences Dept., NC State University (aschnet@ncsu.edu)
Enforcement and Patrol
Patrol staff, staff with enforcement responsibilities, and other interested attendees will have the opportunity to meet up to discuss emerging issues and challenges associated with enforcement activities. Participants will be able to discuss novel approaches to addressing hiring challenges, discuss how different states have been able to implement new technologies in their patrol activities, and compare notes on other emerging issues that they are facing. North Carolina Marine Patrol staff will also be available to discuss the recent process they went through to become certified as a swift water rescue team, and the positives and challenges associated with that process.
Links to Apps Discussed During Session: Common NC Marine Fisheries Rules ; NC DMF Shellfish Leasing Application
Col. Carter Witten, North Carolina Marine Patrol (carter.witten@deq.nc.gov)
Capt. Christopher Lee, North Carolina Marine Patrol (christopher.lee@deq.nc.gov)
Interested participants will have the opportunity to meet and discuss items of current relevance to members of the Shellfish Industry, discuss experiences across different states, and compare notes on successful management, tracking, and handling methods that have been deployed.
Link to App Discussed During Session: NC Shellfish Sanitation Temporary Closure Application
Chris Matteo, Vice-President, East Coast Shellfish Growers Association (chris@chadwickcreek.com)
Drones – Uses and Demonstrations
Various drones utilized by NC Department of Environmental Quality will be on display. Examples of how the technology is being deployed to map habitat and oyster rocks will be provided. Additionally, flights will be conducted as weather and airspace permits. Attendees will have the opportunity to observe the flights and potentially try their hand at flying a drone!
Photos From Test Flights: CFCC Research Vessel, Session Participants, Hotel Ballast
Michael Griffin, Lead GIS Architect and UAS Coordinator, NC Division of Marine Fisheries (michael.griffin@deq.nc.gov)
Elizabeth Mason, GIS Analyst, NC Division of Marine Fisheries (elizabeth.mason@deq.nc.gov)
ISSC Laboratory Methods and Laboratory Approval Process
Members of the ISSC Laboratory Committee will provide a brief overview of the current laboratory method approval process, and will host an open discussion/question-and-answer session on laboratory related issues and needs.
Andy Haines, NC Division of Marine Fisheries, ISSC Laboratory Committee Chair (andrew.haines@deq.nc.gov)
Linda McFarland, Laboratory Program Manager, Virginia Department of Health (linda.mcfarland@vdh.virginia.gov)
Dr. Jessica Jones – US FDA, Microbiological Hazards Science Branch Chief (Jessica.jones@fda.hhs.gov)
Session 5: Shellfish Aquaculture
Handling and Resubmergence – A Summary of the Latest Science
Dr. Victoria Pruente – Biologist, US FDA
Development of New Vibrio Lab Methods
Madison McGough – Biological Laboratory Technician, US FDA
What We Know About the Causes of Shellfish Mortality Events
Dr. Tal Ben-Horin – Assistant Professor, North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine
UNC-Wilmington Shellfish Research Hatchery – Current and Future Research
**Please contact presenter with question or with requests for information**
Dr. Ami Wilbur – Director, UNCW Shellfish Research Hatchery (wilbura@uncw.edu)
Considering the Potential for Molecular Approaches to Revolutionize Shellfish Aquaculture Management (Presentation Coming)
Dr. Rachel Noble – Professor, UNC Institute of Marine Sciences
Exhibit #1
Learn about the Shellcast, How’s The Beach, and Beach Conditions Reporting System applications. Dr. Natalie Nelson (nnelson4@ncsu.edu) from NC State and Dr. Dwayne Porter (porter@sc.edu) and Dan Ramage (ramaged@mailbox.sc.edu) from the University of South Carolina, who have been involved in the development of these applications, will be present to demonstrate functionality and answer questions.
Exhibit #2
The NC Department of Information Technology will feature a range of state-of-the-art unmanned aerial vehicles used by the Division. Witness firsthand the capabilities and versatility of the machines that are revolutionizing the way the Division maps North Carolina’s shoreline and coastal habitats.
Exhibit #3
Officers from North Carolina Marine Patrol will have their educational trailer available for viewing, along with boats and equipment used by their Swift Water Rescue Team, and several other examples of equipment and vessels used during enforcement activities.
Session 6: Student Research
Utilization of Molecular Tools to Characterize Drivers of Oyster Mortality
**Please contact presenter with question or with requests for information**
Mark Ciesielski – PhD Student, UNC Institute of Marine Sciences (mciesi3@unc.edu)
Microcystins in Estuarine Food Webs: A Global Synthesis
Kalle Simpson – Graduate Student, NC State College of Veterinary Medicine
Insights From High-Resolution Avian Monitoring at Shellfish Farms
**Please contact presenter with question or with requests for information**
Tyler O’Keefe – PhD Student, UNC Institute of Marine Sciences (okeefet@unc.edu)
Alternative Water Quality Measures as Real-Time Surrogates for Fecal Indicator Bacteria
**Please contact presenter with question or with requests for information**
Julia Harrison – PhD Student, North Carolina State University (jmharr26@ncsu.edu)
Session 7: Inspections, Education, and Enforcement
North Carolina Shellfish Farming Academy
Bryan Snyder – Aquaculture Operations Manager, Carteret Community College
North Carolina Marine Patrol at 200 – Origins, History, and Current Challenges
Maj. Jason Walker – North Carolina Marine Patrol
FDA Training – Illness Response and Traceback Investigations
Kim Norgren and Mike Pearson - Shellfish Specialists, US FDA
Session 8: Breakout Meetings and Training Opportunities
Modernization of Data Collection and Management Systems
A round table discussion about some of the successes and difficulties of modernizing data collection and data management that are faced in different sectors. North Carolina Shellfish Sanitation and Recreational Water Quality Section staff will demonstrate examples of modernized data collection, processing, and dissemination. We will cover success stories, such as our Pollution Source mapping workflow, which includes an ESRI Field Map and web application, as well as future wishes for updating different workflows including ArcPro/ArcGIS Online interactions and Survey123. We would like to invite other participants that would like to share novel data collection or management tools during this session as well.
Elizabeth Mason, GIS Analyst, NC Division of Marine Fisheries (elizabeth.mason@deq.nc.gov)
Shannon Myers, Shoreline Survey Program Lead, NC Division of Marine Fisheries (shannon.myers@deq.nc.gov)
Lyndia Branch, Data Manager and Statistics Analyst, Virginia Division of Shellfish Safety (Lyndia.branch@vdh.virginia.gov)
Amy Webb, Microbiologist, Marine Department of Marine Resources (amy.webb@maine.gov)
NC Division of Marine Fisheries staff will lead an open discussion about shellfish aquaculture with a focus on NSSP requirements and public health principles. States and other interested attendees will have the opportunity to discuss topics such as success in managing birds, using lease product for restoration projects, best practices for lease tours, etc. Come prepared to discuss current issues related to aquaculture in your state.
Link to App Discussed During Session: NC DMF Shellfish Leasing Application
Valerie Wunderly, Environmental Specialist, NC Division of Marine Fisheries (valerie.wunderly@deq.nc.gov)
Zach Harrison, Aquaculture Permits Coordinator, NC Division of Marine Fisheries (zach.harrison@deq.nc.gov)
Session 9: Habitat Management and Restoration
Assessment of Drone-Based Indicators of Intertidal Oyster Reef Persistence and Resilience
Dr. Brandon Puckett – Research Marine Biologist, NOAA Coastal Resilience, Restoration, and Assessment Branch
North Carolina Artificial Reef and Shellfish Rehabilitation Programs
Jason Peters – Enhancement Program Supervisor, NC Division of Marine Fisheries
Watershed Restoration for Water Quality Improvement – North River Farms Restoration
Todd Miller – Executive Director, North Carolina Coastal Federation
Session 10: Recreational Water Quality
US EPA – BEACH Program Updates
Joel Hansel – US EPA Region 4
Use of Autonomous Surface Vessels to Assess Recreational Water Quality in the Nearshore Environment
Tom Clerkin – Research Specialist, UNC Institute of Marine Sciences
Development of an Early Advisement and Reporting System for Recreational Waters in the Southeast
Dr. Dwayne Porter – Professor, University of South Carolina Arnold School of Public Health
Major Reduction of Stormwater Driven Fecal Bacterial Pollution By Use of Mixed BMPs at Wrightsville Beach, NC
**Please contact presenter with question or with requests for information**
Dr. Michael A. Mallin – Research Professor, UNC Wilmington Center for Marine Science (mallinm@uncw.edu)
Amy E. Grogan – PhD Student, UNC Wilmington (aeg7670@uncw.edu)