ICE - In Case of Emergency
The Division of Waste Management is incorporating the ICE - In Case of Emergency protocol. As staff of DWM you are encouraged to ICE your personal cell phones. The Division is considering making this a mandatory practice for staff with state owned cell phones.
In case of emergency (ICE) is a program that enables first responders, such as paramedics, firefighters, and police officers, to identify victims and contact their next of kin to obtain important medical information. The ICE program was conceived in the mid-2000s and promoted by British paramedic Bob Brotchie in May 2005. It encourages people to enter emergency contacts in their mobile phone address book under the name "ICE". Alternately, a person can list multiple emergency contacts as "ICE1", "ICE2", etc. The popularity of the program has spread across Europe and Australia, and has started to grow into North America.
Please ALWAYS remember that while driving whether it be a state owned vehicle or your own personal vehicle, that you make that vehicle a NO PHONE ZONE for your safety and the safety of others.