Legislative Reports

Pursuant to S.L. 2019-250 Section 5.10 (a), Department of Environmental Quality legislative reports submitted on or after January 1, 2020 will be posted below.

Title Summary Report Date
Utility-Scale Solar Project Decommissioning Report

Quarterly report on the implementation of the solar decommissioning requirements adopted in S.L. 2023-58.

Western Stream Initiative Grants Report

Report on projects funded through the Western Stream Initiative.

Water Infrastructure Fund Report

Consolidated report on the accounts in the Water Infrastructure fund.

Division of Mitigation Services Annual Report

Report covering implementation of Division of Mitigation Services (DMS) and use of the Ecosystem Restoration Fund, as well as an inventory of DMS properties.

Leaking UST Annual Report

Report on the Commercial Leaking Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Cleanup Fund

Water Treatment Facility Operators Certification Board Report

Annual financial report and annual report of licensure metrics for the North Carolina Water Treatment Facility Operators Certification Board.

Surface Water Identification and Training Certificate Course Report

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Surface Water Identification Training and Certification Program and report of findings and recommendations.

Coastal Storm Damage and Mitigation Fund Annual Report

 Report on projects funded from the Coastal Storm Damage Mitigation Fund. 

Annual Waste Management Annual Report

Report on permitting, inspection, compliance, and accounting of activities for the Animal Feeding Operation program.

Bernard Allen Emergency Drinking Water Fund

Annual report on implementation of the Bernard Allen Memorial Emergency Drinking Water Fund.

October Coal Ash Quarterly

Quarterly report on DEQ’s operations, activities, programs, and progress with respect to coal combustion residuals surface impoundments. 

Combined River Basin Advisory Commission Report and Audit

Annual audit and report on the River Basin Advisory Commission.

Report on Individually Permitted Discharging Systems

Annual report on the status of facilities discharging into surface waters. Supplemental Excel spreadsheet also included. 

Stormwater & Sedimentation Joint Report

Combined report on implementation of the State Sedimentation Pollution Control Program and the State Stormwater Program. 

Alternative Fuel Revolving Fund and Energy Credit Banking and Selling Program Annual Report

A report on the Energy Credit Program and expenditures from the ARF Fund.

October Directed Grants Report

Report on the status of funds disbursed for directed grants.

Long-Term Dredging MoA Annual Report

Report on the funds provided to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers under the Long-Term Dredging Memorandum of Agreement.

Shallow Draft Navigation Channel Dredging and Aquatic Weed Fund

Report on the projects funded from the Shallow Draft Navigation Channel Dredging and Aquatic Weed Fund.

Coal Ash Impoundments Annual Report

Annual report on the location and status of coal ash impoundments.

North Carolina Drought Management Advisory Council Report

A review of drought advisories issued by the Council and any recommendations to improve coordination among local, State, and federal agencies; public water systems; and water users to improve the management and mitigation of the harmful effects of drought.