Diesel Bus and Vehicle Program

In Phase 2 of the NC Volkswagen Settlement Mitigation Program, approximately $54.4 million will be available in Phase 2 for the Diesel Bus and Vehicle Program. This program is designed to achieve significant reductions in diesel emissions. This program has three subprograms: Transit and Shuttle Bus, School Bus and Clean Heavy-Duty Equipment and Vehicle Programs. Each program Request for Proposals (RFP) will be released at separate times.  See the timeline below.

Diesel Bus and Vehicle Program Timeline
RFP Release  Date
Transit and Shuttle Bus Program February 1, 2022
School Bus Program March 7, 2022
Clean Heavy-Duty Equipment and Vehicle Program May 16, 2022


Summary of Diesel Bus and Vehicle Program
Program Eligible Action Category Eligible Fuels Funding Amount
Transit and Shuttle Bus Program Class 4-8 Transit and Shuttle Buses

All (electric, diesel, propane, natural gas)

Priority will be given to electric replacements

School Bus Program Class 4-8 School Buses $13,598,433
Clean Heavy-Duty Equipment and Vehicle Program Class 4-8 equipment and vehicles such as local freight trucks, ferries, forklifts, and switcher locomotives $12,918,511
Diesel Emission Reduction Act  $679,922
Total: $54,393,732


Phase 2 funding will focus on public sector needs.  Eligible projects can be submitted by:

  • Local, state and tribal government organizations,
  • Public or private nonprofit organizations, and
  • Public/private partnerships where the lead applicant represents a public sector or a public or private non-profit. 

To be notified for future Phase 2 announcements, please send an email with "Subscribe" in the subject line to daq.nc_vwgrants@ncdenr.gov.