Staff Contacts
Robin Hoffman
Staff Lead, Roanoke Basin
(919) 707-9114
Roanoke Basinwide Water Quality Plans
2012 Roanoke River Basinwide Water Quality Plan
Plan By Chapter
Water Quality Data & Information by 8-Digit HUC Subbasin (Appendices included at end of each chapter)
- Chapter 1: Upper Dan River Subbasin (03010103)
- Chapter 2: Lower Dan River Subbasin (03010104)
- Chapter 3: Middle Roanoke River Subbasin (03010102)
- Chapter 4: Roanoke Rapids River Subbasin (03010106)
- Chapter 5: Lower Roanoke River Subbasin (03010107)
General Basin Information Chapters
- Chapter 6: Voluntary Incentive Programs & Local Initiatives in the Roanoke River Basin
- Chapter 7: Other Natural Resource Programs in the Roanoke River Basin
- Chapter 8: Use Support & Methodology in the Roanoke River Basin
Appendices At The End Of Each Subbasin Chapter Include
- Appendix A: 2010 Use Support Ratings for the Basin
- Appendix B: Biological Sampling Data Sheets (Benthic Macroinvertebrates & Fish Community)
- Appendix C: Ambient Station Summary Sheets
- Appendix D: Maps
2006 Roanoke River Basinwide Water Quality Plan
Plan By Chapter
Water Quality Data & Information by Subbasin
- Chapter 1 - Roanoke River Subbasin 03-02-01
- Chapter 2 - Roanoke River Subbasin 03-02-02
- Chapter 3 - Roanoke River Subbasin 03-02-03
- Chapter 4 - Roanoke River Subbasin 03-02-04
- Chapter 5 - Roanoke River Subbasin 03-02-05
- Chapter 6 - Roanoke River Subbasin 03-02-06
- Chapter 7 - Roanoke River Subbasin 03-02-07
- Chapter 8 - Roanoke River Subbasin 03-02-08
- Chapter 9 - Roanoke River Subbasin 03-02-09
- Chapter 10 - Roanoke River Subbasin 03-02-10
General Basin Information
- Chapter 11 - North Carolina Water Quality Standards and Classifications
- Chapter 12 - Population Growth, Land Cover Changes and Water Quality
- Chapter 13 - Water Quality Stressors
- Chapter 14 - Wastewater and Stormwater Programs
- Chapter 15 - TMDLs in the Roanoke River Basin
- Chapter 16 - Agriculture and Water Quality
- Chapter 17 - Forestry in the Roanoke River Basin
- Chapter 18 - Water Resources
- Chapter 19 - Natural Resources
- Chapter 20 - Water Quality Initiatives
- Appendix I - Population and Growth Trends in the Roanoke River Basin
- Appendix II - Local Governments and Planning Jurisdictions in the Roanoke River Basin
- Appendix III - Land Cover in the Roanoke River Basin
- Appendix IV - DWQ Water Quality Monitoring Programs in the Roanoke River Basin
- Appendix V - Other Water Quality Data in the Roanoke River Basin
- Appendix VI - NPDES Discharges and General Stormwater Permits
- Appendix VII - 303(d) Listing and Reporting Methodology
- Appendix VIII - Roanoke River Basin Nonpoint Source Program Description and Contacts
- Appendix IX - Use Support Methodology and Use Support Ratings
- Appendix X - Glossary of Terms and Acronyms
2001 Roanoke River Basinwide Water Quality Plan
Plan By Chapter
Section A: General Basin Information
- CHAPTER 1: Introduction to Basinwide Water Quality Planning
- CHAPTER 2: Roanoke River Basin Overview
- CHAPTER 3: Summary of Water Quality Information for the Roanoke River Basin
- CHAPTER 4: Water Quality Issues Related to Multiple Watersheds in the Roanoke River Basin
Section B: Water Quality Data and Information by Subbasin
- Chapter 1 - Roanoke River Subbasin 03-02-01 (Includes a portion of the Dan River, Town Fork and Snow Creeks)
- Chapter 2 - Roanoke River Subbasin 03-02-02 (Includes a portion of the Dan and Mayo Rivers)
- Chapter 3 - Roanoke River Subbasin 03-02-03 (Includes a portion of the Dan and Smith Rivers)
- Chapter 4 - Roanoke River Subbasin 03-02-04 (Includes a portion of the Dan River and Country Line Creek)
- Chapter 5 - Roanoke River Subbasin 03-02-05 (Includes Hyco Lake, Marlowe Creek and Mayo Reservoir)
- Chapter 6 -Roanoke River Subbasin 03-02-06 (Includes a portion of Kerr Reservoir and Nutbush Creek)
- Chapter 7 - Roanoke River Subbasin 03-02-07 (Includes Lake Gaston and Smith, Hawtree and Sixpound Creeks)
- Chapter 8 - Roanoke River Subbasin 03-02-08 (Includes Roanoke Rapids Lake and 55 miles of the Roanoke River)
- Chapter 9 - Roanoke River Subbasin 03-02-09 (Includes the lowest portion of the Roanoke River and tributaries)
- Chapter 10 - Roanoke River Subbasin 03-02-10 (Includes the Cashie River, Roquist Creek and tributaries)
Section C - Current and Future Water Quality Initiatives
- Appendix I - NPDES Discharges and Individual Stormwater Permits in the Roanoke River Basin
- Appendix II - Water Quality Data Collected by DWQ (Benthic Macroinvertebrate Sampling, Fisheries Studies, Fish Tissue Assessments, & Lake Assessments)
- Appendix III - Use Support Methodology and Use Support Ratings
- Appendix IV - Section 303(d) Listing and Reporting Methodology
- Appendix V - Explanation of Box Plots
- Appendix VI - Roanoke River Basin Nonpoint Source Program Description and Contacts
- Appendix VII - Glossary of Terms and Acronyms
Roanoke Basin Mailing List
To subscribe to DWR's Roanoke River Basin email list to receive emails regarding public comment periods and public meetings related to the basin, please fill out the form below. Public participation in the development of the basin plan is encouraged.