
Staff Contacts


Catawba Basinwide Water Quality Plans

Tab/Accordion Items

2004 Catawba River Basinwide Water Quality Plan

Entire Document

Plan By Chapter

Section A - General Basin Information

Section B - Water Quality Data and Information by Subbasin

Section C: Current and Future Water Quality Initiatives



1999 Catawba River Basinwide Water Quality Plan

Entire Plan

Plan By Chapter

Section A: General Basin Information

Section B: Water Quality Data and Information by Subbasin

Section C: Current and Future Water Quality Initiatives


Water Quantity Plans

The Catawba River Basin Water Resources Plan evaluates the present and future (2002 through 2050) conditions of this basin, in order to determine the water capacity of the Catawba River to serve future populations and at the same time to identify any potential trouble-spots or conflicts related to water supply and its demand. Chapter 2 begins with a look at the current and future conditions of each county located in the Catawba River basin in terms of population growth, land use, water use, and economic development. 

Download Catawba River Basin Water Resources Plan here.

Catawba Basin Mailing List

To subscribe to DWR's Catawba River Basin email list to receive emails regarding public comment periods and public meetings related to the basin, please fill out the form below.  Public participation in the development of the basin plan is encouraged.