Level 2 Infrastructure Program FAQ
Level 2 Infrastructure Program FAQ
Tab/Accordion Items
- Does creating the claim also submit the claim in the Grants Management System?
- When creating a claim you have the option to "Save" or "Submit" the claim. Saving the claim does not submit the claim to DAQ for processing. You can save a claim is you donnot have all hte required documents for submittal and return to the claim to add additional documents and submit the claim. FOr more details on creating claims and claims submittal please refer to our new External GMS User manual on our Grants Mangement System webpage.
- What documents are required for a claim submittal?
- Copies of paid invoices
- Copies of proof of payment
- NCDAQ Form 002 EV Infrasrucutre Certificate of Installation
- Required form photos
- Final Report
- Is the Agreement ID Number the same as the application ID number?
- No, the Grants Management System uses the following prefixes for applications, agreements and claims.
- Application ID - number begins with "1".
- Agreement ID - number begins with "2".
- Claims ID - number begins with "3".
- Your Agreement ID will be on the last page of your executed Level 2 agreement document.
- No, the Grants Management System uses the following prefixes for applications, agreements and claims.
- If a final project scope has fewer number of ports than originally expected, will entering the smaller dollar grant amount cause an issue in the claim submission? For example, if we were awarded $9000 but are only claiming $6000 total for a project.
- No, the Grants Management System will allow you to enter a lower amount if the scope of your project changes. The system will not allow yo to enter an amount higher than what you were awarded.
- Reimbursements will be based on either the rebate amount per port or the maximum percentage of the total allowable project invoice costs, whichever is less.
- Does the 180 day clock start ticking when we get the offical award letter or when we receive the email saying our application is acepted?
- Neither, the 180 day clock starts the date the email from the Program Manager, Steven Rice is sent notifying your authorized representative that your agreement is fully executed.
- This email will include your rebate voucher number (Agreement ID) and voucher expiration date.
- When you say we can’t begin work until the agreement is executed, does that include internal processes like contracting with the vendor and setting up PO’s, etc.? Or does that just apply to installation of the stations?
- Do not begin any work on your project that is an eligible reimburseable cost until your authorized representative has received the email from Steven Rice notifying you that your agreement is fully executed.
- Will a link for the webinar recording be sent to the participants?
- Yes, an email will be sent to all current rebate awardees with a link to the recording and presntation on our webpage.
- Do you want all the required docuemnts to be combined in a single pdf?
- No. Please break them up into individual pdf files, but you may group similar documents together, such as photos of chargers, invoices, proof of payment, etc.
- What is the expected time between when a claim is submitted and when payment can be expected?
- After a claim is approved for payment, expect two to four weeks to receive your reimbursement.
- Time for claim approval will vary depending on documentation submitted and staff workload. We will process claims in a a reasonable time, but will need to verify that all submitted doucmentation is correct and eligible for reimbursement.
- Upon submission of the application, what is the anticipated response / turnaround?
- Applications will be evaluated on a weekly basis when possible.
- In regard to the Substitute W9 form, is a form completed in 2018 acceptable? Or does it need to be signed this year?
- We need a current and completed NC W9 substitute form from within the last six months for new GMS user requests.
- To confirm, a single application can include multiple charging stations as long as they are of the same accessibility.
- Yes, the rebate calculator has been adjusted to reflect this change to allow multiple charging station locations for one application. All the charging stations must be the same project type and have the same accessibility.
- How do you recommend we locate qualified contactors who can complete the project?
- NCDEQ/DAQ cannot recommend contractors, please see the slides or webpage for the contact infromation for the additional resources that may be helpful.
- For people submitting for a campus, does ‘specific location’ mean the campus area as a whole or a specific site withing the campus? Which address do we use on the application?
- Yes, campus as a whole is considered as a location, but the application can have separate sites within the campus. Details for each location must be included on the Rebate Funding Calculator Form. Use the address on the W9 form on the application or the address for the main office for the campus.
- Is there an example of the application? If more than one person is working on the application do both need an NCID?
- Yes, both a sample application and rebate calculation form are located on the Level 2 website. Yes, if multiple people plan to work on an application for an organization, both will need to request access forms for the DAQ Grants Management System.
- Where will the slides be available for download?
- A copy of today's presentation will be made available for download on the Level 2 Program webpage.
- Are solar and battery back-up features/costs eligible?
- If a solar and/or battery back-up are a component of the ESVE, then yes. Remember there is a maximum rebate amount per port based on the project type and accessibility.
- If the project needs to be modified after grant approval, like location of chargers in our parking area, would that be a problem?
- Contact the Program Manager (Steven Rice) to request approval for ant modifications due to changes in location of the charging equipment. Location changes must be within a reasonable distance from the original location, determined by DEQ.
- Could you review the definition of “government entity” again? Does the DAQ recognize community colleges as government entities?
- From the Level 2 RFP, Appendix B page 13, Government is defined. "Government shall mean a state or local government agency owning fleets purchased with government funds (including a school district, municipality, city, county, special district, transit district, joint powers authority, or port authority), and a tribal government or native village." From the Level 2 RFP, page 3, Eligible Applicants (d). Community colleges are included under NC State Government Agencies. "NC State Government Agencies – government-owned EV charging projects (state agencies, departments, institutions, universities, and community colleges) are subject to using contractors approved on mandatory Statewide Term Contract 691A – Electric Vehicle Charging Station Equipment, Accessories Installation & Infrastructure. Additionally, non-mandatory entities, including schools and local government, that are allowed by general statute may use this contract."
- Does the lat/long need to be exact for the unit or for the address where located?
- Lat/long coordinates need to be included and must be as accurate as possible. For applications with multiple sites, on the application use the GPS coordinates for the one of the sites and then include the specific GPS coordinates for each location on the Rebate Funding Form.
- Does the vendor providing the quote have to perform the work?
- No, you may change your vendor. Awardees are still limited to the rebate voucher amount for reimbursement. So, if the quoted amount for your project changes, the applicant will be responsible for any costs over the calculated rebate amount at time of reimbursement.
- Can you share a list of today’s participants like you did in the first WebEx?
- Yes, send a request to daq.NC_VWGrants@deq.nc.gov.
- Can you confirm whether we should submit only one application with multiple projects if our stations will be in 3 different locations in the Wilmington area, but with different zip codes?
- All the charging stations must be the same project type and have the same accessibility to be included on the same application. Each site needs to be included on the Rebate Calculator Form.
- Will you let us know when funds are exhausted?
- Website will be updated weekly with available funds after rebate vouchers are awarded.
- Are you able to upgrade existing charging units with units that qualify for the rebate? This is a public workspace area.
- Yes, replacements are eligible, if the unit is not repairable.
- Are the costs submitted to be quotes or do they need to be exact? I.e., installation by electrician that could encounter unforeseen problems.
- Rebate voucher awarded amounts will be based on project submitted; however, reimbursement will be based on actual paid invoices received. Costs that exceed the awarded rebate voucher amount or percentage of the Net project costs whichever is less will not be reimbursed.
- Do you anticipate the funds to be exhausted quickly based on interest?
- Unknown – there is high interest in this program. We recommend applying earlier than later. Submitting an incomplete application will not hold a rebate voucher spot.
- Applications can be submitted at one minute after midnight on Jan 25, 2021?
- Yes. If the forms are incomplete, they will be returned. NC VW Team members will not be available until the morning of January 25, 2021, for assistance. Submitting an incomplete application will not hold a rebate voucher spot.
- What is deemed publicly accessible?
- Per the Level 2 Program RFP, page 5. Public access requires a minimum of 12 hours a day of availability (proof must be provided with rebate application) to the general public without restriction. To be publicly accessible the site must be convenient for users of the charging station.
- Could you please clarify the networking and ESVE maintenance contracts requirements? Is five-years the maximum required?
- The slides in both the December and January presentations were in error, the requirement is a minimum of five-years for both the networking, service, and maintenance contracts. Paid in advance prior to voucher redemption.
- Does installation need to be complete at the time of application, or would quotes from supplies and/or purchase orders be sufficient?
- Quotes will be needed for the application. Do not purchase or install equipment before receiving a completed agreement.
- Just for clarification, can charging units be purchased but not installed before approval of the grant to qualify for the rebate?
- No. Nothing for the project can be started prior to rebate application approval, acceptance, and the agreement between the awardee and DEQ is signed.
- If we are bidding projects in May for a new building, and project will be completed in September 2022, when would be a good time to apply for EV charging station to meet the 180 day reimbursement?
- You should apply for funding no more than 180 days prior to EV project completion if funds are still available. There will be a Phase 2 at a later date.
- At what time of day does the application open on January 25, 2021? Is it 12:01 AM?
- The application opens at 12:00 AM on January 25, 2021.
- It would be nice to know if we are selected for reimbursement prior to purchasing equipment and installing since funds are tight during the era of COVID.
- This program requires you to be awarded a rebate voucher and have a fully executed agreement with DEQ PRIOR to purchasing any equipment. Any equipment purchased prior to an award and agreement is NOT eligible for reimbursement.
- Is the Lat/Long for the location for the charging station or he city/county in general?
- The charging site location.
- Does each charger equal two ports, or does each port get entered separately?
- In the Grant Management System, the number of ports will be entered per charger. There must be a minimum of two ports per application.
- Does a detailed quote need to be submitted or can an estimate be provided?
- Detailed quotes are a required document for the application.
- Can we have one contract per state department or per agency?
- Agreements will be created for each awarded rebate application.
- Can one organization submit multiple project proposals?
- Yes. You will need to submit an application for each project. Each organization is limited to a maximum of $25,000 at any given time.
- If we already have access to the GMS as part of Phase 1 - DC Fast or Diesel Programs, do we need to re-submit anything?
- No. If you already have access to GMS, you will not need to resubmit anything for access.
- What hardware is covered?
- Charging infrastructure hardware is covered. A list of specific hardware is included in the RFP.
- Are design costs an eligible expense?
- Generally, yes, design costs are an eligible expense. However, for a larger parking lot design, only EV space design is eligible. Keep in mind rebate awards are capped at $25,000 per applicant and/or location.
- Is cellular/Wi-Fi signal boosting hardware an eligible expense because the EVSE needs to be networked?
- Yes, if Wi-Fi availability is limited and increased signal strength is needed to maintain the network connectivity. Keep in mind rebate awards are capped at $25,000 per applicant and/or location.
- Must the annual usage be separated for each charging station even if they have a single metering service?
- Yes, reporting must be broken down per port to show total usage at each station and individual charging instances. Because all charging stations are required to be networked, providers will be able to provide this data.
- Regarding charger usage reporting, is there any particular preferred EV Charger network/reporting form required, or will spreadsheets based upon real data be acceptable? If a third party submits for an eligible entity, who pays for the installation and chargers?
- Reporting requirements are in the RFP.
- Is there a deadline to complete construction?
- Rebate voucher awardees must complete their project 180 days after the agreement with DEQ is signed by both parties. Claim reimbursements must be submitted with invoices and pictures within the 180 days. DEQ may conduct the site visit after 180 days depending on staff resources at the time.
- Does the work and verification have to be done in 180 days?
- All work must be completed and a reimbursement claim submitted winthin 180 days of the signed agreement. DEQ may complete the site visit after the 180 day expiration date.
- If the project overall is longer than 180 days, can the project be phased to be installed in 180 days?
- The project, i.e. the charger(s) must be fully installed, operational, and accessible by vehicles to charge, within 180 days.
- Are retractable cables required?
- Charging systems must include a cord management system (RFP page 8).
- Would replacements of existing charging stations be eligible? Woudl replacements be elgible if charging stations are non-networked? If they are older hardware systems that no longer have parts and componentes available for repairs?
- Replacement of existing charging Level 2 stations are eligible. New charging equipment must be networked and meet the requirements of the RFP. Repairs of existing charging equipment is not eligible.
- Is there a list of recommended vendors?
- We suggest contacting the outside resoures provided on our webpage. We are unable to recommend any charging equipment provider.
- What is the average total initial cost (charger and installation) per port? Is there an amount that should be budgeted annually for ongoing maintenance?
- Applicants should research quotes. Under this program, five-year service/maintenance is an eligible reimbursable expense. Rebate are capped at $25,000 per applicant and/or location at any given time. Any additional costs not covered by the awarded rebate voucher amount is the responsibility of the site owner.
- Does one station with two ports meet eligibility?
- Yes
- Are the five-years of networking costs and maintenance paid up front? Or can I pay one year at a time?
- Proof of payment for five-years of networking and maintenance costs must be provided in reimbursement claim.
- Are the internal reports from the stations sufficient for DEQ reporting requirements?
- Annual charger usage reports must meet the requirements in the RFP.
- Is the minimum 6.6 kW a per port requirement? Is there a peak performance specification?
- 6.6 kW is the minimum requirement for a Level 2 charger. No.
- If the network fe and maintenance is included in the cost of the charger, is it acceptable?
- Yes. You should include this information with your claim reimbursement documentation.
- If the existing parking lot is ADA compliant, is that acceptable?
- You will need to chek with your local government for ADA requirements. The charging station parking spots must be ADA compliant.
- What is the timing of funding after a rebate award?
- Payment will occur after the project is finished and an on-site visit is completed. This is typically two weeks for reimbursement, depending upon staff time and number of requests.
- If a third party submits for an eligible entity, who pays for the installation and chargers?
- The agreement will be between the applicant and DEQ, therfore the applicant is responsible for the payment of the purchase and installation of the charger(s).
- Do we need to buy or install devices prior to applying for rebates? What does it mean when the RFP talks about showing proof of payments, photos, of EV units installed, etc?
- No purchasing of equipment or installation may occur prior to rebate voucher award and a fully executed agreement between the applicant and DEQ. To receive reimbursement for the purchase and installation, DAQ will need proof of payment to your vendors, photos, and will need to conduct a site visit. This means the applicant will upload copies of paid invoices for the charger purchase and installation to the DAQ Grants Management System with their reimbursement claim.
- To confirm, if the applicant has other funding sources, that amount would be deducted from the allowable funding from the VW Funds?
- Yes.
- What happens if the final project costs change for initial submittal?
- The awarded amounts are based on the number of ports, the organization type and accessibility up to the $25,000 maximum. Once a rebate voucher is awarded the maximum amount of the award is set. If a project comes in over budget, the reimbursement will only be for the awarded rebate voucher amount. If the project is under budget, the reimbursement will be the allowable percentage of the invoiced amount as determined by the RFP.
- If there are more applications than funds available will rebates be reduced or number of ports reduced?
- This is a first-come, first-served program, rebates will be funded at the maximum allowable amount as funds allow.
- Is each charger eligible for 10K?
- Funding limits are based on the project type and acessibility of the charger to the public. Those amount are in the RFP.
- Can site visits be accomplished remotely?
- DAQ intends to do on-site visits since these chargers will be outside. DAQ staff will follow all accepted COVID safety protocols (wearing masks, practice social distancing of six feet, etc.) during site visits. However, this is subject to change depending on COVID situation at the time of the site visits.
- Who can we contact to make sure a location is eligible?
- Email daq.NCVWGrants@deq.nc.gov, include as much information as possible about your project.
- Can you clarify what MUD is?
- MUD is a "Multi-unti dwelling." More detailed information can be found in the RFP.
- Do MUDs need to have EV charging rules already in place or can they be approved after the application is submitted?
- Any applicable HOA information should be included with application as an attachment.
- When will applications be accepted?
- Applications will be accepted in the DAQ Grant Management System (GMS) starting on January 25, 2021 12:00AM ET. Applications will be accepted and approved on a first-come, first-served basis until funds are exhausted.
- What forms are required to request access to the DAQ Grants Management System?
- To get request access to the DAQ Grant Management System, applicants must obtain an NCID then complete and return the NCDEQ-AQ-GMS-ACCESS-AUTHORIZATION-FORM and the State of North Carolina Substitute W-9 Form.
- Email the completed forms to svc.NCVWApplication@deq.nc.gov. GMS access requests will be processed after the webinar on December 11, 2020.
- The DEQ Volkswagen webpage shows Phase 1, 2018-2020 having a funding allocation of $4.6 million for the ZEV light-duty infrastructure program. Is the $1.1 million for this program a part of the total $4.6 million?
- Yes, the ZEV infrastructure program funding allocation of $4.6 million is split between the DC Fast ($3,451,712) and Level 2 ($1,150,570) programs. This is explained in the Level 2 ZEV Charging Infrastructure Program RFP.
- Is this Phase 2 of the NC VW Settlement Program?
- No, this is a continuation of Phase 1 of the NC VW Settlement Program.
- Will a receipt be sent when the application is submitted?
- Yes. You will receive an email that the application was submitted by the DAQ Grants Management System.
- How will awarded applicants received thier funds?
- All funding will be in the form of reimbursements. Applicants must be able to purchase and install the equipment using their own funds.
- Will awarded projects be reimbursed for 100% of a charging station project cost?
- Final rebate amounts will be determined by the maximum rebate amount multiplied by the number of charging ports, or percent of total actual project costs, whichever is less up to the $25,000 maximum per applicant and/or location.
- Is this program for light-duty infrastructure only?
- Yes. This program is for zero emission light-duty vehicle charging infrastructure projects only.
- Who can sign the application?
- The person who signs the application can be the authorized representative, the project manager, or the financial contact listed in the application. The application is non-binding.
- Who is the authorized representative?
- The person who signs the fully executed contract, a legally binding document, needs to be the authorized representative for your organization (e.g. CFO, CEO).
- How should letters of support be submitted?
- All supporting documentation including letters of support must be submitted as an attachment with the project application in the DAQ Grants Management System.
- How should letters of support be addressed?
- Letters of support must accompany the project application as an attachment in the DAQ Grants Management System. Any other method will not be accepted.
- What kind of operation and maintenance costs will be reimbursed? Will the cost of electricity be reimbursed?
- The Level 2 Charging Stations RFP contains a complete list of eligible and ineligible expenditures.
- Electric service costs are an ineligible expenditure.
- If applying for multiple locations, should one application be submitted per location, or one overall application including all requested locations?
- Applicants with projects that have multiple locations must submit a separate application for each location. The applications may be submitted as one package to NCDEQ, but each location application will be evaluated separately. NCDEQ reserves the right to partially fund a proposal by funding only a portion of a proposed project based on funds availability.
- Will successful projects be funded fully, or will some projects receive only partial funding?
- Per the RFP, NCDEQ reserves the right to partially fund a proposal by funding only a portion of a proposed project. Thus, NCDEQ may choose to partially fund a project based on funds availability.
- Will public entities be given any preference? Will projects be weighted higher with a local match, station locations, amount requested?
- No. This is a first-come, first-served rebate program. Complete eligible applications will be selected as they are received. Incomplete applications will be rejected, and you will be required to submit a new application.
- What is NCDEQ looking for in a rural community setting when awarding infrastructure projects?
- Applications will be evaluated on a first-come, first-serve basis based on the eligibility of the application per the RFP. A maximum of 68% (~$782,388) of the funds will be allocated to urban and suburban counties and a minimum of 32% (~$368,182) for rural counties in Phase 1.
- What types of projects will be prioritized? When do installations need to take place to be eligible for the rebate? Do rebates only apply to chargers/equipment that is purchased vs. leased?
- Applications will be evaluated on a first-come, first-serve basis based on the eligibility of the application per the RFP. A maximum of 68% (~$782,388) of the funds will be allocated to urban and suburban counties and a minimum of 32% (~$368,182) for rural counties in Phase 1.
- Following NCDEQ approval, the rebate applicant will be issued a rebate voucher that secures the approved rebate amount for 180 days. Reimbursement requests must be submitted prior to the voucher expiration date. Voucher extensions will not be granted.
- Charging equipment must be purchased. Leased equipment is not allowed.
- Is a quote for a charging station required with the application?
- Yes, a quote for your projects must be included with your application. The quote should be added as an attachment to your application.
- What kinds of EV infrastructure projects would not be covered through this program? Requirements for stations: can they be used for fleet purposes or do they have to be public facing?
- This program is for the funding of projects to install light-duty Zero Emission Vehicle Level 2 charging infrastructure only.
- How do we get accurate cost estimates for the total project?
- You will need to contact a Level 2 charging equipment vendor for cost estimates.
- The federal government is not an eligible applicant. Can a supporting non-profit of a federal land agency apply if the non-profit is paying for and operating the EV infrastructure on federal land (e.g., a Friends of National Park group)?
- Federal government agencies are an eligible applicant, please refer to the revised RFP dated November 30, 2020, available here.
- If you received an award for DC Fast charging station are you eligible for the Level 2 program?
- Yes.
- If submitting on behalf of member organizations who should we put on application as the Project Manager?
- The Project Manager does not have to be within the Lead Agency/Organization. The VW team may ask for a letter stating the project manager has the authority to submit the application.
- Can units be in multiple locations / sites?
- Yes. The maximum total that will be awarded for a tax ID and/or location at any given time is $25,000.
- If submitting on behalf of member organizations who should we put on application as the Project Manager?
- The Project Manager does not have to be within the Lead Agency/Organization. The VW team may ask for a letter stating the project manager has the authority to submit the application.
- Are Public/private partnerships allowed?
- Yes, for projects that are public-private partnerships, the ownership of the Level 2 charging equipment will determine the maximum rebate amount allowed for the project.
- What forms are required to request access to the DAQ Grants Management System?
- To get request access to the DAQ Grant Management System, applicants must obtain an NCID then complete and return the NCDEQ-AQ-GMS-ACCESS-AUTHORIZATION-FORM and the State of North Carolina Substitute W-9 Form.
- Email the completed forms to svc.NCVWApplication@deq.nc.gov. GMS access requests will be processed after the webinar on December 11, 2020.
- Can an organization have more than one person complete an access authorization form?
- Yes. Up to three people can be assigned to your organization in the DAQ Grant Management System. At least one of the three people should be listed on your application. Each person will need to complete a separate Access Authorization Form. The organization must match on all three Access Authorization Forms.
- You must create a NCID prior to submitting your Access Authorization form. To do this, follow the instructions provided here.
- If the Access Authorization Form provided to you has fields for your Tax Identification number and requires an 8-digit PIN, please download the revised form on our webpage. https://deq.nc.gov/vw-settlement/forms.
- If the WELCOME TO THE DAQ ENTERPRISE BUSINESS SYSTEM email was blocked by our organization’s email spam settings, will it be resent automatically, or do we have to request for it to be resent?
- If the NCDOT SAP Team notifies the primary DAQ contact that a “WELCOME TO THE DAQ ENTERPRISE BUSINESS SYSTEM” email bounced back, the email will be forwarded to you by one of the DAQ GMS Security Coordinators. If this email also bounces back, your program manager will contact you by phone.
- If your email system is blocking emails from sapacct@ncdot.gov, you will need to contact your IT staff to configure your email spam filter to allow the emails to reach your inbox.
- The welcome email is a notification that you have been added as a user in the system for your organization.
- How do I log in the DAQ Grant Management System?
- The DAQ Grant Management System can be accessed using this URL: https://www.ebs.nc.gov/irj/portal.
- The login is your NCID username and password you created.
- NCID passwords must be changed every 90 days or you will be locked out. You will be emailed a NCID Password Reminder email 10 days prior to the expiration of your NCID from ncid.notifications@nc.gov with instructions on how to change your password.
- Please make sure you do not have a pop-up blocker active on your browser or you will have issues using the grants management system.
- The DAQ Grant Management System says my password is invalid when I try to login. What do I do?
- First go to https://ncid.nc.gov/idmdash/#/default and verify that your NCID password is not locked. You can unlock your account from there.
- If your NCID password is not locked you will need to contact the SAP Support Services Team. 919-707-2208 EBSSupport@ncdot.gov Monday - Friday, 7am - 5pm.
- I utilize EBS (Grant Management System platform) for NCDOT related grant management. Is this going to cause any conflict accessing the DAQ Grants Management System?
- No. If you already have access to the NCDOT EBS (Enterprise Business Services platform) for another agency’s grants (Powell Bill, Governor Highway Safety Program (GHSP), Public Transportation (PTD), etc.), you will still need to submit the DAQ Access Authorization form to link your username to the DAQ Grants Management System. You will have a separate tile for Division of Air Quality Grants on your home page in the portal.
- Where can I find the post award documents?
- Post award documents (State Grant Certification Conflict of Interest Template and State Grant Certification No Overdue Tax Debts Form) can be downloaded from our webpage: https://deq.nc.gov/vw-settlement/forms.
- Could you clarify when post award documents are required, after award or during award process.
- Once your organization has submitted your award acceptance letter and you have received confirmation from your program manager, you have completed the award process and have moved to contract processing. The post award documents are required then for your program manager to process your agreement.
- Are the required post award forms accessed in the grant system and is there a due date for the completion of those forms?
- Forms are available to download on our website, https://deq.nc.gov/vw-settlement/forms.
- Upload the completed forms with your signed agreement to the DAQ Grants Management System.
- My organization does not pay taxes, do I need to complete the “No Overdue Taxes Form”?
- Government agencies are not required to complete this form. Non-profits and private organizations are required to complete this form.
- When does the 180 days start to complete a project?
- Once you have a signed and fully executed agreement, the 180 day clock will start.
- How long will it take to receive the agreement to sign?
- The agreement will be emailed to the authorized representative from your organization with your rebate voucher award letter. You will need to upload the signed agreement to your application in the DAQ Grants Management System.
- A copy of your fully executed agreement will be uploaded as an attachment to your application by NCDEQ in the DAQ Grants Management System and emailed to the authorized representative.
- Do agreements require a “wet signature”?
- Docusign will be used to sign agreements.
- When can I be reimbursed for my project?
- Grantees must submit copies of paid invoices, NC DAQ Form 002 EV Infrastructure Certificate of Installation, and charging station installation photos with reimbursement requests in the DAQ Grants Management System. Once your reimbursement documents are reviewed, NCDAQ staff will schedule a site visit to verify installation prior to approval of claim rebursement requests.
- How do we pay for the purchase and installation of our charging equipment if we have to wait for reimbursement after delivery? Do we have to pay and then seek reimbursement?
- This is a reimbursement program; award recipients will be required to purchase and install the charing station using thier own funds.
- Are partial reimbursements allowed?
- No, projects must be complete, functional and verified during a NCDAQ staff site visit before reimbursements will be approved.
- Will there be pre-award authority granted on costs incurred prior to the grant being awarded?
- No, any project costs incurred prior to a fully executed contract are not eligible for reimbursement.
- How long does it take to get reimbursed once I submit the required information?
- Once NCDEQ staff have verified and approved the required paperwork, photos and completed any necessary site visits, it will take approximately 30 days for reimbursement processing.
- Are we allowed to choose a different vendor for our level 2 charging equipment that is different from what we submitted in our application and quote?
- Yes, but you are limited to the dollar amount you were awarded.
- If you change the vendor or equipment, contact your program manager prior to purchase to verify it is equivalent to the original vehicle/equipment in your application.
- If the authorized representative on our application has changed, what should we do?
- Contact the Level 2 program manager for instructions on how to update the authorized representative on your application.
- I have already started construction on a charging station, can I apply for funding?
- Unfortunately, no. Projects initiated prior to a rebate application approval are not eligible for funding. Project initiation activities that may disqualify a rebate application include ordering equipment, hiring a contractor or vendor to complete the project. Submittal of a rebate application is not a guarantee of approval.
- When can awarded applicants begin work on their project?
- Once a rebate voucher is issued the awardee may start the project. Rebate vouchers expire 180 days after issuance and extensions will not be granted. Any work completed prior to rebate award will not be reimbursed.
- If the awardee is the owner of the property, what type of site-host agreement is required? Is there a preferred template?
- A simple statement that the applicant is the owner, and therefore the site-host, will suffice. There is not a preferred template on which an applicant must make this statement.
- Why does a multi-unit building need to have ten or more units? I have multiple projects with fewer than 10 units that would benefit from this program.
- 10 units was established as the minimum requirement for multi-unit dwellings in the RFP.
- Do chargers need to be networked? What standards do chargers need to meet
- All chargers funded by this program are required to be networked with no exceptions. Rebate recipients are required to provide NCDEQ annual charger usage data for five years after installation.
- The RFP contains basic charger specifications under Equipment Requirements.
- What requirements are there for suppliers of the chargers to be recognized as authorized to supply Level 2 Chargers and associated equipment and referenced to applicants as a source for equipment?
- NCDEQ does not provide a list of authorized suppliers of Level 2 chargers.
- NC State Government Agencies – government-owned EV charging projects (state agencies, departments, institutions, universities, and community colleges) are subject to using contractors approved on mandatory Statewide Term Contract 691A – Electric Vehicle Charging Station Equipment, Accessories Installation & Infrastructure.
- Is there anything in place between NC DAQ and Duke Energy for the provisions of establishing a power source to a designated location that will have an electric charging station installed. The existing state contract for PEV stations expires in February 2021. Are there any plans to extend that contract?
- No, there are no provision in place between NC DAQ and Duke Energy.
- State contracts are the responsibility of the NC Department of Administration. You will need to contact the state contract administrator.
- How do you count ports?
- By the number of vehicles able to charge at the same time.
- Are applicants required to obtain a 5-year warranty for both parts and labor, or just parts? The costs are very different.
- The Trust states the “costs necessary for, and directly connected to, the acquisition, installation, operation and maintenance of new light duty zero emission vehicle supply equipment” which would include parts and labor.
- Is there a requirement that vehicles charge free?
- No, the owner/operator of the charging site decides if they want to charge a fee to use the station.
- How can new charging sites be added to the Alternative Fuels map?
- Information on new EV charging sites can be added on the US DOE Alternative Fuels Data Center webpage.
- If a charger is located in a public pay-to-park garage, is that considered publicly accessible?
- Yes, it would be the same as paying for street parking and the lot is open at least 12 hours a day.
- How will projects receive funding? Will the projects get funding to start the project or will it be reimbursement? Will there be a cost share requirement?
- This is a reimbursement program. Reimbursements requests will be approved after the work is completed, verified, and approved. Verification will occur via site visits by NCDEQ staff to document the completed installation. Evidence of a minimum five-year warranty for the station equipment and service contract will be required with the reimbursement request.
- Rebate amounts can be found in the RFP.
- If a rebate voucher is approved, may we purchase charging units via State Contract, Sourcewell (formally US Communities), or other governmental purchasing cooperative?
- Yes.
- What is the turnaround time for the reimbursement when expenses are submitted?
- NCDEQ will schedule a site visit once final documentation has been received. Typically, two weeks, but it could take longer depending on the volume of reimbursement requests received at the same time and staffing resources available to process reimbursement requests.
- Must Phase 1 Level 2 chargers be publicly accessible?
- Not all Level 2 project types are required to be accessible to general public. This is information is detailed in the RFP under Table 1. Rebate Amounts.
- ADA compliance – is there a document available?
- You should check with your local zoning office for this information. There are currently no state-wide ADA regulations for EV charging sites.
- What is the minimum number of parking spaces?
- The RFP requirement states, “Projects must include at least one designated and clearly marked EV parking space per port.”
- Do parking spaces have to be handicap accessible?
- It is the responsibility of the host site to meet any ADA requirements.
- Will there be a preference for technology that may provide higher kW charging?
- The stations must provide a minimum charge of 6.6 kW of power to provide up to 100 miles of travel in 3 to 4 hours. Applicants may choose higher kW charging equipment for their applications.
- What is meant by “publicly accessible”?
- Public access requires a minimum of 12 hours a day of availability (proof must be provided with rebate application) to the general public without restriction. To be publicly accessible the site must be convenient for users of the charging station. For workplace and multi-unit dwellings, where access may be restricted, charging stations may not be dedicated to specific individuals.
- What are the signage requirements?
- On-site signage: Identifies to the approaching driver from every ingress that the host site has charging station(s), and the location(s) of the charging station(s).
- “Electric Vehicle Parking Only” signs are required on each side of each charging station along with “Electric Vehicle Parking Only” stenciled graphics on each striped parking pad.
- On-site signage must include the following language, “This project made possible with a partnership with the State of North Carolina.