MS4 Training Materials The following training materials were provided during the 2019 MS4 Training workshops:DEQ-DEMLR-Stormwater-Public Education and Outreach, Public Involvement and Participation, Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination, Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping, and TMDL and Watershed Planning DEQ-DEMLR-Industrial StormwaterCharlotte-Mecklenburg - Public Involvement & ParticipationCharlotte-Mecklenburg - Illicit Discharge Detection and EliminationClemmons - Public Involvement and ParticipationHigh Point - Public Education and OutreachKernersville - Pollution Prevention and Good HousekeepingMonroe - Public Education and OutreachMonroe - Illicit Discharge and DetectionMount Holly - Pollution Prevention and Good HousekeepingTriangle J COG - Public Education and OutreachWestern Piedmont COG - Public Education and Outreach and Public Involvement and ParticipationWinston Salem - Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination